The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Sanders. Also present were Committee Member Hilt, Mayor
Salentine, Sewer Utility Operator Scott Kloskowski and those per
the attached list. Ald. Dumke was absent.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on FLOW.
The Committee discussed the Hillendale Extension Sewer Project.
A meeting has been set for Tuesday, October 20, 1987, at 1:30
P.M. to review the options with the City Engineer. These options
will be presented at the November 12, 1987, Public Sewer
Committee meeting.
Mr. Jerome McGinnis appeared before the Committee to discuss the
broken sewer lateral at W209 510511 Valerie Drive, Lake Meadows
Subdivison. Questions were raised which require the Sewer
Contractor to investigate and appear at the November 12, 1987,
Public Sewer Committee meeting.
The Committee reviewed Mayor Tully's correspondence dated October
• 12, 1987, which advised that they are in the process of adopting
an Erosion Control ordinance. He also indicated that the City of
New Berlin's board members are in agreement in suppdting the
previous request for sewer hookup in the Linnie Lac Area and
there appears to be general support for the idea of providing
sewer hookup to Muskego residents that border the City of New
Berlin. The Committee will review the agreement that the City
Attorney is drafting at the time that New Berlin has adopted the
requested Soil Erosion ordinance.
The Committee reviewed the Waste Management Sewer Service report
from the City Engineer dated October 15, 1987, and requested that
the City Clerk send a copy to Mr. George Meinholz of Waste
Sewer Utility Operator Kloskowski reported that he had sealed the
vent intake and caulked vents and that he will continue to follow
the present procedure. A screen vent is being designed for
The Committee reviewed request for sewer sevice for two lots on
Hillendale for Mr. Jack Wynn. The Committee requests that the
Building Inspector correspond with Mr. Wynn advising him that the
City is receptive to these two lots being serviced by a grinder
pump. Mr. Wynn's master plumber will have to submit an
. application to the State for permission to install a private
interceptor for two homes. When sewer service is made available
to the two lots, the property owner will be required to pay a
front foot assessment based upon the most recent sewer project.
• Public Sewer Committee Minutes - Page 2
October 15, 1987
The Committee reviewed the following bids for the Bellview/Bay
Lane Sewer Project:
Super Excavators, Meno. Falls $358,292.50
United Sewer & Water, Meno. Falls 327,985.00
Mainline Sewer & Water, Wauwatosa 473,370.00
Rawson Contractors, Hales Corners 309,365.00
Michels Pipeline, Milwaukee 346,261.75
Madison Undeground, Cottage Grove 286,400.00
D. F. Tomasini Contractors, Waukesha 302,760.00
Tomasini Contractors, Milwaukee 312,922.50
Rock Contractors, Caledonia 311,392.50
Ald. Hilt moved to recommend acceptance of low bid of Madison
Underground, Cottage Grove, for $287,300, which was the result of
a $900 math error detected by the City Engineer. Seconded by
Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the Engineer's Report and Assessment Roll
for the Bellview/Bay Lane Sewer Project which will be presented
at the Public Hearing.
• The 1988 Sewer Budget was reviewed and recommended to the Common
Council for adoption. The Committee acknowledged that the
Finance Committee has recommended approval of a full-time
position to be added to the Sewer & Water Utility. The Sewer
Utility will now be responsible for 75% of the new full-time
position, along with the present Sewer Utility Operator whose
salary in the 1987 Budget was charged 100% to the Sewer
Utility. The Committee noted the 1988 Budget provided for a $375
sewer usage charge for a single family home.
Mr. Gerald Lex, a representative of Peace Lutheran Church, New
Berlin, appeared before the Committee requesting sewer service
for the Peace Lutheran Church. The request was denied because
the property is ouside of the sewer service area as defined by
the MMSD contract.
The Committee reviewed the Engineer's report on the saleable land
upon which the Northeast Lift Station is located. No
recommendation was made at this time.
The Committee reviewed the Wentland Drive Sewer Project
resurfacing. The road has been resurfaced and the contractor has
been made aware of the substandard asphalting.
Mr. Harold DeBack appeared before the Committee requesting his
. deferred sewer assessment of $8,343.07, on Tax Key 0i2287.999,
which becomes due and payable on November 8, 1987, be re -
deferred. Ald. Sanders moved to defer action pendinan adopted
Controlled Access Assessment policy. Seconded by A1g. Hilt,
motion carried.
• Public Sewer Committee - Page 3
October 15, 1987
The Committee reviewed the Interim Agreement for MMSD as the
result of the requested addition of the Scott Krause property.
The Committee referred the agreement to the City Attorney for his
review and comments.
The Committee reviewed the status of the Forced Hook-ups. A
plumbing permit for the Sweeney property (Tax Key 2200.977) was
taken out on October 15, 1987. The Committee requests that a
letter be sent to Mr. Zidar, the contractor for the
Ludwig/Strampe property (Tax Key 2218.891), asking him to advise
the City when the property will be connected to the sewer system.
The Committee reviewed the following quotes for the installation
of the grinder pump for the Bradford property, (Tax Key
2171.008), Oakhill Estates Sewer Project.
Bohmann & Vic, Inc. $2,750.00
Westside Plumbing, Inc. 6,980.00
Ald. Sanders moved to accept the low bid of Bohmann & Vic., Inc.
in the amount of $2,750.00. Seconded by Ald. Hilt, motion
carried. The Building Inspector will notify the contractor of
• the awarding of the quote.
The Committee reviewed the Sewer Utility Operator's reports for
September and October and placed on file.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Dan Hilt
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