The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sanders. Also
present were Committee Member Hilt, Mayor Salentine and those per
the attached list. Ald. Dumke was absent.
The Committee reviewed minutes of previous meeting and placed on
The Committee discussed the time schedule for the Bellview/Bay
Lane Sewer Project submitted by the Clerk's Office and agreed
with the schedule. A discussion was held on clarification of
items by the City Engineer for the project. The Committee
decided not to request permission from the Pellmanns to put in a
temporary road on the 40 ft. sewer easement and determined that
restoration of the roads should be as it presently exists; there
will be no connection of Bellview Lane to Bay Lane.
The Committee reviewed request for a pro -ration of an existing
assessment for the Oschmann Property, Tax Key #2217.999.002, on
that portion of the recently approved Certified Survey lot
division. This is the second lot division on this property.
This pro -rated portion would be paid in full and the balance
would remain with the existing property on the payment plan.
Ald. Sanders moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Ald. Hilt,
motion carried.
Mayor Tully and Ald. Stan Smith appeared before the Committee to
request additional sewer service in the Linnie Lac Sewer
District. The Committee discussed the possibility of allowing up
to ten (10) new hook-ups to this area. Ald. Hilt moved to send
to Council for consideration. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion
The Committee reviewed Hillendale Extension. Mr. Ken Purdy
appeared before the Committee to reaffirm that the residents of
Valley View Subdivision still do not want a lift station and are
hoping for some kind of development through the Schaefer farm so
that they can be served by gravity.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on FLOW.
The Committee discussed the odor problem at the Sandy Beach Lift
Station and reviewed correspondence from City Engineer Tom Renner
dated September 10, 1987. A meeting with the City Engineer Tom
Renner, G. P. Lee, Mayor Salentine and Chuck Morin, Public Works
-� Department, was held on September 9, 1987, to review the
situation and a tour was made of the lift station. The following
was agreed upon:
Public Sewer Committee - Page 2
• September 10, 1987
1. The odor complaints appear to be resulting from "normal"
sewage odor escaping from the lift station wetwell.
2. The wetwell hatches and exhaust duct should be
temporarily sealed to eliminate dischage of air from wetwell.
3. The ventilator should not be operated except during
maintenance activities in the wetwell.
4. Odor complaints should be immediately verified and
documented. Documentation should include:
a) Complainant's name and address
b) Date and time of complaint
c) Climatic conditions at the time of complaint
d) Verification of the complaint is to be conducted by a
non -sewer utility employee by a "walk -around" at the lift
station site and at the location of the complaint. A
written summary should be made.
5. If septic odors occur, the source should be
6. Record daily pumpage from the station flow recorder.
• 7. A follow-up meeting should be scheduled in approximately
1 month to evaluate progress and define permanent solutions.
The Police Department will be requested to use the complaint
forms supplied by the City Engineer.
The Committee discussed the Wentland Sewer Project. An extension
has been given to Globe Contractors to October 1, 1987, to
complete the asphalting.
The Committee discussed the bill from Embassy Construction
Company for repair of broken sewer lateral at W209 S10521 Valerie
Drive (Lake Meadows Subdivision) in the amount of $1,340. The
Committee reviewed correspondence from the Building Inspector
indicating that there would be no way that the City could prove
who was responsible for the broken lateral connection.
The Committee denied the request for payment based on the
Plumbing Inspector's report.
The Committee discussed request for sewer service for Muskego
Sanitary Landfill. The Committee directs the City Engineers to
review and prepare report on feasibility of this request, with
the cost of the report to be paid by Waste Management.
Public Sewer Committee - Page 3
• September 10, 1987
Authorizing purchase of chlorine feed pump for Well House on
Racine Avenue was removed from Agenda and will be placed on the
Public Water Committee Agenda for September 17, 1987.
The Sewer Utility Operator's report was reviewed and placed on
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Dan Hilt