PSEM19870813U • L] PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 13, 1987 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Sanders. Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Hilt, Mayor Salentine, Sewer Utility Operator Scott Kloskowski and those per the attached list. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of FLOW. The Committee discussed the installation of the grinder pump for the Oakhill Sewer Project for the Bradford Property (Tax Key 2171.008). Ald. Sanders moved to direct the Zoning Officer to secure quotes for the installation of the grinder pump. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The following bids were reviewed for the forced hook-up of the Ludwig/Strampe property on Kurtze Lane (Tax Key 2218.981): Zidar Plumbing $5,849.00 C & H Plumbing $5,885.00 Ald. Hilt moved to recommend acceptance of the low bid of Zidar Plumbing in the amount of $5,849.00. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The Wentland Sewer Project was reviewed and reported to be on schedule. The Committee reviewed several concerns regarding the proposed Assessment Roll for the Bellview/Bay Lane Sewer Project which were raised by the Staff. The Committee directed the City Engineers to make the following amendments: Assessment #1 thru #3 should be figured according to the Assessment policy for lots on cul-de-sacs. Assessment #5 should be calculated as a corner lot. Assessment #21 - The past practice of assessing non - dedicated right-of-way should be followed so the 60' proposed right-of-way frontage should be added to the assessment. The Committee reviewed the existing Assessment Policy for Construction of Sanitary Sewers. Ald. Sanders moved to amend the policy by amending No. 3 a. 1, to read, "If a lot abuts two streets, add the two side dimensions and divide by two", and deleting No. 3 a. 2. and 3. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion caried. LJ Public Sewer Committee - Page 2 August 13, 1987 Mr. Ken Purdy, W208 58543 Hillendale Drive, submitted a request signed by 27 of the 28 properties that would require an additional expenditure for the construction of a lift station to serve their properties. The request was for the installation of sewers in the Valley View Heights Subdivision, but indicated that they were opposed to the extra cost of approximately $3,950 for a lift station. They request that the Sewer Commission explore possible gravity flow alternatives to eliminate the need for a lift station. At this time the Committee is recommending to the City Engineers to proceed with the Hillendale Project and to defer the Valley View Heights project which requires a lift station. The Committee is receptive and will encourage placement of the main in the Schaeffer propety. The formal protest received from Mr. and Mrs. Valenti in their letter of July 23, 1987, was reviewed and the Committee felt that a land exchange between the Valenti property and the Glenn Hansen, Etal, property would reduce the frontage. An odor problem at the Sandy Beach Lift Station was discussed • with the adjacent property owners. The Sewer Utility Operator made several suggestions for a procedure to eliminate the odor. The citizens were requested to continue to document their concerns with the Police Department to establish a record as to when the odor problem occurs. The Committee directed the City Engineers to submit a report for the September Sewer meeting as to their recommendations to correct the existing odor problem. Scott Krause appeared to update the Committee on how he foresees a sewer system being built to serve the amended sewer service area. Meadow Green Subdivision Sewers was removed from the Agenda at the request of Mr. Gregory Boehm, the Developer. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Board meeting of July 23, 1987, wherein the Police Department is requesting that the pond at Bluhm be posted for no swimming. Sewer Utility Operator Kloskowski advised the Committee that signs have already been posted. The Committee discussed the present Controlled Access Policy and directed the Mayor to obtain a legal opinion from the City Attorney as to requiring a Controlled Access Assessment to only apply to residential zoning. • • Public Sewer Committee - Page 3 August 13, 1987 n LJ The Committee discussed the Sale of Land - McShane (Northeast Sewer Treatment Plant land) and directed the Engineers to determine the amount of land that would be saleable due to the existence of the lift station on that property. The meeting adjourned at 10.15 P.M. ED/ca zo- ►A Respectfully submitted, A1d. Edwin Dumke Secretary ,13ji1- 1