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18 The meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M. by Chairman Penovich.
Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Sanders, Mayor
Salentine, Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Scott Koskowski, Ald.
DeAngelis and those per the attached list.
Mr. Robert Biebel, SEWRPC representative, gave a review of the
drainage study dated February 12, 1987 for the Lake Denoon area.
Ald. DeAngelis stated the City's position in having this study
prepared by SEWRPC and suggested that the Lake Association follow up
in monitoring the drainage area in the future for blockage and flow
of ditch. The present Muskego Sewer Service Area does not show any
immediate substantial development north of Lake Denoon.
Mr. Michels stated that the mudding of the lake after a heavy
rainfall could be lessened by improved retention ponds.
Mr. Biebel stated that potential State aid may be available to area
through Fox River Watershed Program to upgrade the retention basin.
The Committee reviewed the five alternatives supplied by the City
Engineers for sewer service to the unsewered portion of the Ludwig
Subdivision. The Committee deferred any action.
The Committee reviewed sewer plans for Oakhill & Martin (Brauch)
• development which were submitted by Mr. Stan Potrykus. The sewer
extension will serve two lots by gravity with the balance of the
property requiring grinder pumps. Ald. Dumke moved to approve
extension. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed sewer plans for Bay Lane Place (Mr. Leonard
Pilak) which was submitted by Mr. Stan Potrykus. This extension
will serve three properties. Ald. Dumke moved to approve
extension. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
Cost for installation of grinder pump for Oakhill Estates (Bradford
property) was deferred until the April meeting when the cost
estimate should be available.
The Committee discussed sewer easement on Woods Road (Salmen). The
City will write a letter to Mr. Salmen assuring him that his land
will not be assessed. The concern of the property owner is the
small severed piece of land that abuts Woods Road which would not
receive a sewer frontage assessment at the time the project is
constructed. Ald. Dumke moved to eliminate the frontage assessment
for the unbuildable portion of property on the south side of the
road f5om the assessment roll. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion
carrie .
Public Sewer Committee - Page 2
March 19, 1987
The Committee reviewed inter -office memo regarding inquiry from the
City Engineers as to whether the City wanted to go out for bids for
the one by-pass generator to be housed at Jensen Park. The one
permanent generator and piping changes to the other lift stations
will make it possible for increased pumping into the forced main
instead of the lift stations pumping into the ditch as they are now
doing. The estimated cost for this project is approximately
$83,000. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend that the Engineers be
directed to bid the project. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion
The Committee reviewed sewer plans for Suburban Heights Subdivision
submitted by Mr. Clarence Froehlich and indicated that they were
receptive to this sewer extension. It was noted that the City
Engineers are reviewing the plans as they relate to storm drainage
in the area.
The Committee reviewed the Treatment Plant Operator's report with
Scott Kloskowski for the month of February and it was placed on
The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Harold L. Sanders
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