The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman
Penovich. Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Sanders,
Mayor Salentine, Aid. DeAngelis, Sewer Treatment Plant Operator
Scott Kloskowski and those per the attached list.
Aid. Sanders moved to defer the review of the SEWRPC Drainage
Study of Lake Denoon until the March 19, 1987, Public Sewer
Committee meeting. This deferment was requested by Aid.
DeAngelis so that the interested parties at Lake Denoon could be
given adequate notice of the review. Seconded by Aid. Dumke,
motion carried.
Mr. Robert Matthes presented a petition to the Committee
requesting sewer service in the Ludwig Subdivision by nine
residents of Bellview Drive. He stated that his septic system
has failed and he has been ordered by the Waukesha Department of
Health to take remedial action. Ten existing homes in this area
are not sewered and several requests for sewer hook-up have been
made in the past. The following three options were discussed:
• 1. A �ressure grinder pump could be installed to hook-up
Mr. Matthes home to the existing sewer line on Bellview Drive
and thereby expedite the solution to his problem.
2. A lift station could be installed at the lower
topography of Ludwig Subdivision and all homes in the area could
be sewered. The lift station would pump sewage back to the sewer
line which now exists on Bellview Drive. This lift station could
be removed if and when the sewer line was extended to Woods Road
through the Pellmann farm property which would afford natural
3. The sewer line could be extended directly to Woods Road
through the Pellmann property, and the Pellmann property would be
granted deferred assessment.
Aid. Dumke moved that the City explore the engineering costs and
options of the above mentioned sewer project. It was also
recommended that the interested parties be invited to our next
Public Sewer meeting and that the Pellmanns be contacted to
determine if any future developments are planned for their
The Committee reviewed the RCA assessment for a vacant lot on
Gold Drive. Aid. Sanders moved that the RCA of $272.50 be levied
• against this property because a lateral exists which served a
building that had been razed. Seconded by Aid. Dumke, motion
• Public Sewer Committee - Page 2
February 26, 1987
The Public Sewer Committee reviewed the City Attorney's opinion
that the City of Muskego is not obligated to provide additional
sewer capacity for the Linnie Lac Sanitary Sewer District located
in the City of New Berlin.
The Committee discussed the feasibility of quarterly billing for
Sewer Usage and it was determined that this change would cause
excessive billing costs and affect a large payment due in April
to Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District.
A request by the FLOW Coalition for Common Council recognition
of the need for a 15% additional payment in 1987 was addresed.
Ald. Sanders moved to recommend Council approval of a resolution
recognizing the request for the City of Muskego's FLOW
contribution for 1987 to be increased by 15%. Seconded by Ald.
Dumke, motion carried.
Ald. Dumke moved to have the Sewer Utility purchase a grinder
ppump for use in the OakHill Estates Sewer Project at a cost of
$3,212.50. It was determined that it would be cost effective for
the City to purchase and install the grinder pump rather than it
being part of the total contract. Seconded by Ald. Sanders,
motion carried.
In response to an odor complaint at the McShane Lift Station,
Ald. Dumke asked anyone who detects an offensive odor from the
station notify the Sewer Department so that the cause may be
rectified by the Department.
Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Kloskowski gave the Sewer Plant
report for the month of January.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Harold Sanders
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