PSEM19870122PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 22, 1987 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Penovich. Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Sanders, Mayor Salentine, Ald. DeAngelis, Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Scott Kloskowski and those per the attached list. Mr. Ed Kotnik appeared before the Committee to investigate the possibility of installing a private main to serve an existing duplex on his property and also a piece of property adjacent to his that he plans to purchase. The Committee advised Mr. Kotnik to apply to the State Plumbing Bureau to obtain approval for the private interceptor. Mr. Leonard Pilak appeared before the Committee to request sewer extension to three lots off of Bay Lane Place. The Committee informed the petitioner that he will have to submit engineering plans to the DNR and MMSD for their approval. Road plans will also have to be submitted to the Public Works Committee for their approval. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the Oakhill Estates Assessment Hearing held on January 19, 1987. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend approval of the Oakhill Estates Sewer Project and accept the low bid of DeBelak Bros., Inc., in the amount of . $197,208.85. The project will establish a front foot assesment of $34.38, plus a lateral assessment of $1,090.56. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Mr. Paul Brauch of Oakhill Estates Subdivision appeared before the Committee to request sewer service for a proposed four lot division. Mr. Brauch is in the process of preparing a Certified Survey Map for this division and he is requesting approval to install an eight inch sewer main which would service three lots and install a grinder pump to service the fourth lot. The Committee estimated that the engineering time involved in a project such as this would be three months. It was determined that stand-by charges would begin nine months from date of notice to hook-up. It was noted that correspondence had been sent to a property on Hillendale informing the property owner that he will be part of the Wentland Drive Sewer Project which is scheduled for 1987. The engineers have submitted the plans to MMSD and DNR for approvals. The manhole bench project on the Woods Road interceptor project has been completed. The Committee reviewed correspondence received from the City of . New Berlin requesting that new homes be allowed to hook up to the sanitary sewer system within the Linnie Lac Lake Sanitary Public Sewer Committee - Page 2 January 22, 1987 District. The map submitted shows the 64 existing connected buildings, the 36 existing vacant platted lots of record, and a possible future scenario for land divisions in the area wich could add aproximately 13 lots. The Committee is requesting a legal opinion from the City Attorney to review the Linnie Lac agreement and determine if the prior agreement contains anything making the City bound to give these connections. The Committee reviewed the request for sewer service on Woods Road, Mystic to Durham. The Committee deferred action until further requests are received and anticipate that this will be a 1988 sewer project. The Committee reviewed the Sewer Treatment Plant Operator's report and placed on file. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Harold Sanders Recording Secretary • ca