PSEM19860821PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO . MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 21, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Penovich. Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Sanders, Mayor Salentine, Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Scott Kloskowski and those per the attached list. Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on the status of the Plant Abandonment. The following quotes were obtained by the Sewer Treatment Plant Operator: Glockner $4,500 Kohne $5,000 McKinley's Scrap $7,500 The Committee authorized the Glockner quote to be accepted and directed the City Clerk to draft an agreement which would set a completion date of October 1, 1986. A representative from Clearwater Technology appeared before the Committee and stated that he will provide an estimate for sealing fifty manhole covers in the Lake Denoon service area. If the cost is accepted, this project would evaluate the reduction of water infiltrating the sewer system. • The request for future sewer use for the property located at S76 W20330 Hillendale (Kotnik) was reviewed and the Committee indicated that they were receptive to this request. The Committee adopted a policy for Stand-by Charges and Forced Hook -Up Charges to be implemented. The status of compliance with connection notices were reviewed. Ald. Dumke moved to direct the Building Inspector to proceed with obtaining quotes for approval of the Forced Hook-ups by the Common Council of the following properties: E. J. Salentine - S79 W16227 Bay Lane Place (Tax Key 2217.961) Ludwig & Strampe - S81 W16448 Kurtze Lane (3 properties) (Tax Key 2218.981) Robert Klenz - S79 W15979 Sandy Beach (Tax Key 2217.995) The following properties were considered to be summer cottage status: Walter Lawdanski - S79 W16099 Bay Lane P1. (Tax Key 2217.987) • Public Sewer Committee - Page 2 August 21, 1986 • Walter Heckendorf - S79 W16087 Bay Lane P1. (Tax Key 2217.988) Harold Steinhauer - S81 W16850 Woods Rd. (Tax Key 2218.989) The Committee reviewed correspondence from the Building Inspector regarding the Frank Lesch property, W163 S7983 Bay Lane Place and determined that this structure is not a summer cottage and should not receive stand-by charges. The City Clerk is directed to send letters to the above property owners advising them of the Committee's action. Mr. Gregory Boehm appeared before the Committee to discuss his noncompliance to hook-up to the sewer system by.December 15, 1985. The Committee is extending the required hook-up deadline date to October 2, 1986. The Committee reviewed the correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke in regard to the disconnection of the Woods Road Interceptor and Lift Station and was appraised that the Sewer Treatment Plant Operator will accomplish the abandonment requirements that are not Super Excavator's responsibility. • The Committee reviewed the City Engineer's correspondence re Sewer Extension for Sherwood Circle and placed on file. The Kosobucki request for sewer extension was reviewed. Ald. Dumke moved to approve granting capacity for the required sewer connection and requested property owner to negotiate with the adjacent property to the south to enable the sewer extension to be placed on the present easement or dedication of the easement parallel to the Glenbrook Drainage Ditch. It was noted that if a cooperative effort is not entered into, that an easement to serve the adjacent property to the south must be of sufficient width to provide access to the sewer on Woodland Place. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried. Considerable discussion was held reviewing the engineering plans for the Oakhill Estates Sewer project. Ald. Sanders moved to adopt Alternate No. 1 to serve the Stichmann property by gravity and which will allow for a second lot to be created and require frontage assessment on the average width of both lots involved. It was noted that the property addressed S68 W16666 Oak Hill (Tax Key 2171.008) and S69 W16706 Martin Drive (Tax Key 2171.997) will require grinder pumps in order to obtain sewer service. The cost of this sewer project for these grinder pump properties is to be determined at the September meeting and the City Clerk is • directed to notify these property owners of the date and time of the meeting Public Sewer Committee - Page 2 August 21, 1986 • The land adjacent to Lannon Drive and Woods Road, which is contemplated for development by Gregory Boehm, was reviewed and Ald. Dumke moved to approve the request for the anticipated sewer to service approximately 58 units. The Sewer Treatment Plant Operator's report was reviewed and placed on file. ca • • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Harold F. Sanders Secretary - - --- - - lT ---