The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Penovich.
Also present were Committee Members Sanders and Dumke, Mayor
Salentine, Ald. DeAngelis, Scott Kloskowski and Dorothy Vesbach.
FLOW, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and JOBS have
reached agreement for discussions in an attempt to resolve the FLOW,
MMSD, JOBS conflict over the capital cost recovery issues. A series
of meetings has been scheduled to begin immediately. The parties have
also agreed to a moratorium on all legislative efforts, all lawsuits
and the pending motions for summary judgement now in Judge Robert T.
McGraw's Waukesha Circuit Court. Peggy Farrow will remain as Chairman
of FLOW. The court has granted an adjournment of the trail, scheduled
to begin on July 22, until January 19, 1987.
A motion was made by Ald. Dumke to recommend to Council a FLOW
contribution of $21,000. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
It was recommended that Supt. Bertram be consulted on the problem of
maintaining a low water level in the settling ponds on the Vesbach
property. Ald. Penovich moved to recommend that the City offer Mrs.
Dorothy Vesbach a $40,000 settlement in lieu of restoration of the
area to its original condition which had been part of the original
agreement. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The City also
agrees to install a culvert between pond 2 & 3, and between pond 3 and
the drainage ditch. Action on all of the above items is pending DNR
• approval.
An upgraded list of lake cottages without inside ?lumbing was reviewed
and the Committee agreed to comply with Mr. Grady s request to provide
this list to the State. It was noted that metros may be considered as
an acceptable alternative to outhouses by the State.
The Ladwig Drive Sewer Project is nearing completion and work on road
wedges are now being accomplished.
A study on the upgrading of the lift station by Ruekert & Mielke will
be given one month's extension due to the recent illness of one of the
consulting engineers on the project.
The report on the Marino Arbitration was discussed.
Correspondence received from Bob Klenz was reviewed regarding raising
two manholes on Aud Mar Drive. The Committee determined that the bill
will be sent to the City Engineers to decide which interested parties
are responsible for its payment.
In response to Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Kloskowski's report, the
Committee recommended that Scott obtain quotes for the sealing of
manhole covers in the Lake Denoon area to prevent infiltration which
occurred at the end of June.
• The meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Harold Sanders
ca Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Penovich.
Also present were Committee Members Sanders and Dumke, Mayor
Salentine, Ald. DeAngelis, Scott Kloskowski and Dorothy Vesbach.
FLOW, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and JOBS have
reached agreement for discussions in an attempt to resolve the FLOW,
MMSD, JOBS conflict over the capital cost recovery issues. A series
of meetings has been scheduled to begin immediately. The parties have
also agreed to a moratorium on all legislative efforts, all lawsuits
and the pending motions for summary judgement now in Judge Robert T.
McGraw's Waukesha Circuit Court. Peggy Farrow will remain as Chairman
of FLOW. The court has granted an adjournment of the trial, scheduled
to begin on July 22, until January 19, 1987.
A motion was made by Ald. Dumke to recommend to Council a FLOW
contribution of $21,000. Seconded by Ald. Sanders, motion carried.
It was recommended that Supt. Bertram be consulted on the problem of
maintaining a low water level in the settling ponds on the Vesbach
property. Ald. Penovich moved to recommend that the City offer Mrs.
Dorothy Vesbach a $40,000 settlement in lieu of restoration of the
area to its original condition which had been part of the original
agreement. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The City also
agrees to install a culvert between pond 2 & 3, and between pond 3 and
the drainage ditch. Action on all of the above items is pending DNR
• approval.
An upgraded list of lake cottages without inside plumbing was reviewed
and the Committee agreed to comply with Mr. Grady's request to provide
this list to the State. It was noted that metros may be considered as
an acceptable alternative to outhouses by the State.
The Ladwig Drive Sewer Project is nearing completion and work on road
wedges are now being accomplished.
A study on the upgrading of the Lift station by Ruekert & Mielke will
be given one month's extension due to the recent illness of one of the
consulting engineers on the project.
The report on the Marino Arbitration was discussed.
Correspondence received from Bob Klenz was reviewed regarding raising
two manholes on Aud Mar Drive. The Committee determined that the bill
will be sent to the City Engineers to decide which interested parties
are responsible for its payment.
In response to Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Kloskowski's report, the
Committee recommended that Scott obtain quotes for the sealing of
manhole covers in the Lake Denoon area to prevent infiltration which
occurred at the end of June.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Harold Sanders