The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman
Penovich. Also present were Committee Members Sanders and Dumke,
Mayor Salentine, Ald. DeAngelis, Mr. & Mrs. Silas Anderson, Larry
Neary, Ken Schelbe, Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Kloskowski,
and Art Bostater.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on
The Committee tabled the sewer extension request for Mr. Bob Lamb
on Tess Corners Drive.
The Committee was informed that Mr. Frank Narlock had withdrawn
his request for sewer extension for Phase II Lakeview Hills
Subdivision due to the cost factor.
Mayor Salentine updated the Committee on FLOW and noted that July
22, 1986 is the scheduled date for the court case for MMSD vs
FLOW Communities in Judge McGraw's court room.
The Committee noted that the correspondence requesting a meeting
• with Mr. Bernstein of Department of Labor and Human ReLitions has
not received any response.
The Committee reviewed the request for extension of sewers for a
proposed subdivision called Crimson Meadows which consists of
nine (9) lots. Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Kloskowski
requested that manholes be spaced every 300 ft. rather than every
400 ft. as shown on the plans. The City recommended that the
City Engineers be contacted in regard to the manhole request.
The Committee reviewed the request of Lynn Kurer for a 13 lot
subdivision on Sherwood Circle and Woods Road and was receptive
to the request.
The status of the Oakhill Estates sewer project was reviewed.
The three property owners involved with the relocation order have
been contacted and the Mayor is authorized to negotiate an Offer
to Purchase with each of the owners. The suggested value of the
easements is $1,000. for tax key 2171.072 (Mr. Robert Strykola,
W168 56940 Parkland), $500. for tax key 2171.073 (Mr. Larry
Neary, S69 W16870 Parkland) and $0 for the Parkland Homeowners
Association for the easement going thru the outlot.
The Committee was receptive to the Finance Committee meeting with
the representatives of Globe Contractors to review the
• liquidation damages to the Industrial Park.
• Public Sewer Minutes - Page 2
June 26, 1986
The requested connection schedule for the Bob Klenz residence was
reviewed. The Committee directed that a 30 day connection notice
be sent and stand-by charges made if that timetable is not met.
The required inspection of the sewer main will be made by an
inspector who is approved by the City Engineers. These costs
will be absorbed by Mr. Klenz.
The Committee reviewed the Attorney's opinion on the deferred
assessment policy under the 10-year deferrment plan and indicated
that the City's policy will have to be updated to include the
legal opinion.
Mr. Silas Anderson appeared before the Committee requesting two
sewer hook-ups. The Committee was receptive to his request to
make a connection to the manhole at the west side of his property
for the lot that abuts Wood Road.
The Committee approved the request of Mrs. Ruth Olenchek for the
reimbursement of seven months of 1985 and the 1986 sewer usage
charges for the property addressed W175 S7229 Lake Drive, which
• was razed on April 23, 1985 by the Fire Department.
Due to a failing septic system that is currently under orders by
the Waukesha Health Department, a request was received for sewer
service on Pasadena Drive. The property is located in the MMSD
contract service area and the intent of the Committee is to
provide sewers for problem areas. The most feasible route to
provide sewers to Pasadena is by an extension from Sunny Hill
Drive. This would require an extension of sewers through an
undeveloped wooded parcel. The property owner of this
undeveloped wooded parcel and several realtors have contacted the
city requesting the requirments for development. The Committee
noted that the potential for sewer service is a realistic one.
The following progress has been made on the Abandonment of the
Sewer Treatment Plants:
Mr. Jim Jalovec informed the City that they began removing
sludge fron the first pond on Tuesday, June 24, and they
anticipated finishing by Wednesday, July 2, 1986. They will
start on the second pond immediately thereafter and expect to be
finished by the middle or end of July.
Dorothy Vesbach has contacted the Mayor requesting a
monitary reimbrusement in lieu of restoration. The Sewer
. Committee has directed the Mayor and a member of the Sewer
Committee to negotiate a dollar amount.
Public Sewer Minutes - Page 3
June 26, 1986
Three bids will be secured to determine the cost of removing
the Northeast Sewer Treatment Plant.
The Parks Department will remove the chain link fence before
the deadline date of November 30, 1986.
The Committee directed Superintendent Bertram and City
Engineer Tom Renner to develop a restoration plan for the McShane
Treatment Plant.
The complaint of odor emitting from the Sandy Beach Lift Station
was discussed. The Committee requests the City Engineers to
review the Sewer Treatment Operator's recommendation of timing
the fans to provide air circulation in order to eliminate the
odor problem.
The Committee determined that the Sewer Utility has the
responsibility of restoring the discharge ditch from the
northwest sewer treament facilities and directed Superintendent
Bertram to implement the request.
• The Sewer Treatment Plant Operator's report was read and placed
on file.
L, J
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Harold Sanders