PSEM19850912• PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 12, 1985 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Chairman Penovich. Also present were Committee Member Dumke, Mayor Salentine and those per the attached list. Ald. Taube was absent. The Committee was informed that the Cameron Bruce residence scheduled to be razed has been vacated. The Mayor will contact the Fire Department to coordinate the cooperation of the Fire Department in the removal of the building. The Mayor updated the Committee on the status of implementing the summer cottage agreement. Mr. Milton Donald, DNR Review Deparment, is investigating grant for the installation of sewers along Lake Denoon upon two citizen's complaints. In 1979 the Mayor had certified that all private sewer systems and outhouses were removed for the funding of the grant. Mr. Donald indicated that if Mr. Bernstein from the State Plumbing Department would find no violation under the state plumbing code with the city implementing a 5 year agreement, the grant division would be receptive. • The Committee reviewed the timetable for the bidding process for hook-up of the Kurtze Lane-Verburgt properties. Ten of the eleven properties have indicated that they will not be installing their own lateral. These bids will be open on October 3, 1985. Ann Drive discussion was deferred due to lack of updated information. The status of the Muskego Lakes Country Club development expanded sewer service area was discussed. A recent meeting with the DNR indicated they are receptive to an expanded sewer service area providing SEWRPC can change the sewer service area based on specific guidelines. Mrs. Lindhorst appeared to discuss the cost involved with the Boszhardt Lane agreement. The Committee determined that the $3,408 charged for the lateral, as explained by the City Engineers, from Rawson Contractor's bid is correct. The Sewer Treatment Plant Operator's July and August report were reviewed. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and Mr. Bostater's request to procure a deferred assessment on Racine Avenue was discussed. Mr. Clarence Froehlich requested a pro- rated deferred assessment for Lembezeder Drive. The Committee was receptive to both request subject to attorney review. All cost incurred pro -rating deferred assessments would become the responsibility of the property owner. ' Public Sewer Committee - Page 2 September 12, 1985 The FLOW payment in the amount of $21,000 was sent to Common Council without Committee recommendation. The continued cost of FLOW and the length of time that Muskego has had to contribute to FLOW Coalition were concerns. Jeff Verburgt requested a forced hook-up for his residence located on Bay Lane Place. The Committee noted that the 9 month notice that was given has not expired and did not want to set a precedent allowing lateral connection to be able to have the City's financing plan prior to the ordered hook-up date. The need for the availability of personnel on off -duty working hours was reviewed. The ability for the Police Department to contact personnel in emergency alarm situations would be enhanced by the purchase of pagers with a radius of ten miles. Ald. Penovich recommended the purchase of two pagers at $280.00 (replacement value). Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. The requested use of the Pickle Liquor Building by the Police Department was looked upon favorably by the Committee for a purchase price of $25.00. There is no longer a use for this building since the Northwest Plant has been abandoned and the • Police Department would like to have it moved to their firing range. Ald. Dumke agreed to review the operation of the North Shore Lift Station standby generator and report to the Sewer Committee at their October meeting. To eliminate the running of a diesel generator on a semi-monthly basis to charge the battery, the Sewer Treatment Plant Operator will attempt to reduce the running time by charging the battery electrically. He will also address the odor problem coming from the wet well. A suggested study by SEWRPC was agreed to by the Committee for a long range erosion control plan and to determine if the lift station was subject to flooding. The Mayor will make the request of SEWRPC for the study. The Woods Road sewer plans from Mystic to Durham were deferred for future review. The concerns expressed at the Ladwig Drive public hearing were addressed. Clarence Herds's front foot assessment will be computed based on the number of feet abutting the sewer since there is sufficient area to create two lots. The future lot has a potential for sewer service but does not abut the sewer. Mr. Lardinois agreed to the assessment footage because of the • position of the existing house. Mr. Arnold requested relief from the 407 ft. assessment at a cost of $12,822.40. The Committee recognized that the assessment was excessive due to the triangular shape of the lot. The formula to determine the • Public Sewer Committee - Page 3 September 12, 1985 assessment would be to take the area and compute the footage as if it were a square lot which would result in a 184 ft. assessment at a cost of $5,888. The Sewer Treatment Operator expressed the benefit in the Sewer Utility participating in the purchase of a VAC -ALL with the Public Works Department. The Committee was receptive to his request. The Sewer Treatment Operator's efforts, with the use of deodorizers to eliminate the odor complaints at both the Sandy Beach and Northeast Lift Station were explained. The agitators have been ordered and the grant request forwarded for approval. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Edwin Dumke Acting Secretary • ca 0 September 12, 1985 Sewer Committee City of Muskego Muskego, Wi. 53150 ATTN: Mr. Frank DeAngelis Dear Mr. DeAngelis: Thank you for informing us of the pending Sewer Committee Meeting to be held this evening. Due to late notice, which we understand is through no fault of your owr, some of us may not be able to attend. However, we do wash to express our thoughts on several matters as follows. Regarding the noxious and unhealthful fumes generated by the lift station diesel engine, we feel no one should have to tolerate high levels of same entering their homes. If y,u will review the minutes of the sewer committee meeting of barch 14, 1985, you will see that a motion was made and carried to have the carbon monoxide levels checked in the Brunner residence while the diesel motor was running. As of this date, that has not been done. At the same meeting, Yr & Mrs Oscar Michels expressed concern over the possible flooding of the lift station. We would like to have a Flood Control Study done regarding this matter and for the general area as well. Mr. Kurt Bauer of the Southeastern Wisconsin'Regional Planning Commission felt this would be a sound idea. We feel that due to possible conflict of interest, Mayor Wayne Salentine should abstain from any input regarding a Flood Control Study. Thank you for your consideration on these matters. I J Dimond) & N Schwartz) & A' A Brunner) (J & M Dawes) 0.1 to K TrinlPtt)