PSEM19850620PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 20, 1985 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Acting Chairman Dumke. Also present were Committee Member Taube, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Tomczyk, Ald. DeAngelis, Ald. Hilt, Building Inspector Gerald Lee and those per the attached list. Ald. Penovich was absent. The Committee discussed Forced Hook-up of the Cameron Bruce property and directed the Building Inspector to receive quotes in order to proceed with the forced hook-up. The Committee reviewed correspondence received from Tom Renner, Ruekert & Mielke, regarding sludge application. The Mayor updated the Committee on recent discussions with Waste Management representatives regarding cost and the requirements for landfill disposal of sludge. The Committee discussed the proposed sewer extension for Ann Drive and determined that the steps necessary to service the unsewered home on Ann Drive should be initiated. The location of the manhole on Woods Road was discussed with David Ludwig and Frank Switala. The property owners involved is decided not to spend the additional cost to place a manhole which is necessary to serve their development. The Committee discussed Kurtze Lane cul-de-sac sewer assessment with David Ludwig and directed the Mayor to review the assessment for a lateral which was placed on the cul-de-sac in error, never removed by the contractor, and assessed to David Ludwig. The assessment for $1,846.80 for the main on the cul-de-sac, which was requested by the property owner, is the actual cost incurred by the City and calculated by the engineers. The Ladwig Drive Sewer Project was reviewed. The Mayor updated the Committee on the lastest developments with FLOW. The Behrs Forced Hook -Up was discussed and the Committee agreed with the 90 day extension given by the Building Inspector This forced hook-up will be reviewed at the end of 90 days. The non-compliance of the 30 day connection notice for the following property owners is requested to be reviewed by Ald. DeAngelis and an update given at the July Public Sewer meeting: Allen Cozington Gery & Chris Hartson . W166 S8374 Kurtze Lane W166 S8348 Kurtze La. Herbert Breiling Jeff Behrs W166 S8336 Kurtze Lane S165 S8260 Kurtze Lane • Public Sewer Committee - Page 2 June 20, 1985 Mr. Harold Senft appeared before the Committee requesting to dump septic and holding tank effluent into the Muskego Sewer System. Ald. Dumke moved to grant the request. Seconded h,', Alri. Taube, motion carried. The Sewer Utility Clerk is directed to provide Mr. Senft with the fee structure and a copy of the minutes from this meeting after Council approval. The Committee reviewed the request of Tom Wernette for sewer connection to a property on Flintlock Trail. Ald. Dumke moved to approve request using the 110 ft assessment at $24.19 for a total cost of $2,660.90 . Seconded by Ald. Taube, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the request of Jack Bahr for sewer connection for a property on College Avenue east of Tess Corners Industrial Park. Ald. Taube moved to approve the request using the 150 ft. assessment at $24.19 per foot for a total cost of $3,628.50. Seconded by Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Th MMSD service contract with Germantown was deferred. The Committee reviewed the Inter -municipal agreement between the City of Muskego and the City of New Berlin. A meeting with the City Attorney, Financial Advisor and Engineer has been scheduled • for June 25 to review the connection request of Central Credit Corporation and Swanto.'s Health Club. Superintendent Bertram discussed the responsibility of screening the lift station and replacing a fence between the Sobek & Switala property lines. The Committee agreed that the $200 which is the contractor's responsibility be paid to the City and the plantings provided by the City. The cost of additional plantings will be the obligation of the Sewer Utility. The City Engineer is requested to have the alarm light located within the Sobek Lane Lift Station to prevent vandalism. The fencing at the abandoned sewer plant was discussed and it was decided to offer for sale to the Parks & Recreation Department 1114 ft. of 6 ft. high fencing, including posts, for a total cost of $470.00 The Committee discussed meter reading - Wisconsin Coil Spring. The Sewer Utility Department has contacted the City stating that Wisconsin Coil Spring has been using more water (according to personal readings which they have sent to MMSD for certification) than we are estimating they should be using, also that their discharge is of industrial strength. The Committee added Wisconsin Coil Spring to the list of Metered Users. . The Building Inspector reviewed the Attorney's letter on Summer Cottages with the Committee. • Public Sewer Committee - Page 3 June a0, 1985 The Committee reviewed Harold DeBack's request for an easement for sewer service from Challenger Drive. Approval was' recommended subject to an easement being acquired as requested by the Public Works Committee. The Treatment Plant Operator informed the Committee that it is necessary to purchase two new 3 HP pumps to replace the existing 2 HP pumps located in the Woodland Court Lift Station. A policy to eliminate the lack of personnel available on off -duty hours was established which required the entire list of Public Works employees, Superintendent of Public Works, Mayor, Chairman and members of the Public Sewer Committee to be on file at the Police Department. The suggestion of pagers is to be pursued as to cost and performance. To eliminate the by-pass that is necessary when the pumps malfunction, the possibility of installing stand pipe which would allow mouse of our present portable pumps is to be pursued by the City Engineer. The Committee reviewed the follow-up punch -list of Sobek Lane Lift Station and Woods Road Lift Station. Jan Knapp expressed her concerns about the possible evidence of sewage in Little Muskego Lake. Lake Commissioner Johnson • observed conditions and reported that they were so bad that he did not want anyone working in that area. The Mayor will contact the Health Department and Jan Knapp offered to contact the DNR to review the situation and make a determination. The Committee reviewed the list of properties that are in the Sewer Service Area but not connected to sewers in order to reply to the State of Wisconsin's inquiry. Mr. Wally Wollman was informed that according to the ordinance, he was allowed 9 months in which to hook-up. The report, as prepared, is to be sent to the State. ca A* Respectfully submitted, Ald. David Taube Secretary .tom. ` 1 a e ,�,J •� r � `1 i a, � <' h 1 ,C L HEN r 44LP:i 1D McLo` i 40