PSEM19850509PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 9, 1985 The meeting was called to order at 7:08 P.M. Present were Committee Members Dumke and Taube, Mayor Salentine and those persons per the attached list. Chairman Penovich was absent. Tom Renner of Ruekert & Mielke presented a report on the abandonment of the sewerage treatment plants. Sludge removal will include approx. 7,400 cu. yds. from the McShane plant and 34,000 cu. yds. from the 3 ponds on Woods Road (approx.16 acres). He advised that the DNR passed a restriction in January that no sludge can be spread on any ground where the water table is within 3 ft. of the surface. The Committee directed Tom Renner to arrange a meeting with the prosecuting attorney for the attorney general's office to negotiate an extension of the timetable agreed to in the original court ordered stipulation, which required abandonment by November 30, 1985; and, to determine if the City can obtain an appeal on the variance needed to spread sludge in the City of Muskego. If the sludge is spread on sites in the Town of Vernon, the cost will be approximately $700,000. Various options were discussed by the Committee including depositing the sludge in the City's landfill, and sending it to Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District. • The Committee discussed the request of Mr. Carter for a sanitary sewer extension to service his property across from Bluhm Park at S76 W13712.-McShane Drive. Ruekert & Mielke's estimated construction costs for the 400 ft. extension without pavement restoration (if needed) is $17,600 and does not include engineering, inspection, contingencies or permits. The Committee agreed to the project subject to an agreement that a certified survey map be submitted for the land division, and that the sewer be extended as requested with a front foot assessment based on the latest sewer project, or total cost of the project, whichever is less. The Committee reviewed the request from St. Paul's Church for an extension of sewer main and manhole, from Saroyan Road west of Sherwood Circle. The Committee referred this project to Ruekert & Mielke to proceed to obtain approval of the existing lateral which was sized and constructed as a main, with all costs to be paid by St. Paul's Church. The Committee reviewed the Deferred Assessment of Joan and James Kohne and their request to build on a .96 acre portion of their property without paying up their entire assessment. The Committee recommended approval of payment for 75 ft. X $11.45/ft. plus interest, as a partial payment on the Deferred Assessment on . Tax Key No. 2190.999.001. Public Sewer Committee 5/9/85 - Page 2 The Committee reviewed the list of saleable equipment at the treatment plants, and the Town of Norway's offer to purchase some of the equipment. Ald. Taube moved to approve the sale to the Town of Norway of the following: Comminutor - $300.00; Air Headers - $10.00 each; Worm Gear & Motor - $30.00;, and Air blowers & piping - $50.00 each. Ald. Dumke seconded, motion carried. The Committee requested the Clerk to list the remaining property for sale to other municipalities. The report of the Sewer Treatment Plant Operator for April was reviewed and placed on file. The Committee directed Ruekert & Mielke to proceed with the Boszhardt Lane Sewer Project, as soon as the Agreement between Lemke and Lindhorst is signed, and the easement obtained. Ald. DeAngelis reported on the forced hook-up of the Cameron Bruce property. Ald. Dumke moved to enforce the forced -hook up procedure to connect the Bruce residence to municipal sewers unless the Bruce residence is razed within 30 days. Ald. Taube seconded, motion carried. • The Committee reconsidered the $912.00 D. F. Tomasini bill relating to a septic tank problem during construction of the sewers at S79 W16132 Bay Lane Place. Tomasini has agreed to reduce the bill by $304.00. Because of confusion in the direction to perform the work, Ald. DeAngelis requested that the City absorb the amount of $300.00 for this work. Ald. Dumke moved to deny payment of the bill. Ald. Taube seconded, motion carried. The Committee reviewed correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke regarding the Bass Bay sewers and Sobek Lane lift station. Ald. DeAngelis will meet the engineers on the site 5/10/85 to review the complaint. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 P.M. jm • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Edwin P. Dumke