• The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gaetzke at
7:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Members DeAngelis and
Penovich, Mayor Salentine, Sewer Treatment Plant Operator
Kloskowski and those persons per the attached list.
The Committee discussed Deferred Assessment Hillendale/Racine
with Mrs. Kohne. Mrs. Kohne is requesting to build on a .96 acre
parcel which is included in the same tax key number
(2190.999.001) as another parcel across Racine Avenue. She is
questioning if she would build on this lot, could she pay the
assessment for this .96 acre portion or would she be required to
pay off the entire deferred assessment. Ald. DeAngelis moved to
allow a separation of this .96 acre parcel from the total
deferred assessment. Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried.
The Committee discussed the request for a lateral on McShane
Drive with Mr. Carter. Mr. Carter would like to provide sewer
service for a proposed lot adjacant to his father-in-law's home
at S76 W13711 McShane Drive. The Committee deferred further
review and requested the City Engineers to state feasibility of
project. After information is received from the City Engineers,
the Committee will discuss costs.
The Committee continued discussion on rates for holding and
septic tank haulers with Stan Walters. Ald. DeAngelis moved to
• set rate at $1.20 per thousand gallons which is a reconsideration
of a prior figure of $3.06 established in February of 1985.
Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed Sewer Treatment Plan Operator's report
with Scott Kloskowski.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Brent Martins
questioned Bass Bay and Kurtze Lane hook-ups and problems
relating to the soil that was placed in his garden. Ald.
DeAngelis had questions about restoration not being complete.
Mr. Martins garden is full of clay, the fence has to be repaired
at Lilachs, and the access to the lake is almost impossible due
to poor drainage. Ald. DeAngelis will contact Jerry Powell on
The Committee discussed rate structure for multiple units.
Attorney Molter has stated that the intent of the Sewer Committee
does not coincide with the ordinance. The Committee has decided
not to pursue this any further.
The Committee discussed D. F. Tomasini bill of November 2, 1984
in the amount of $1,610.55 for sanitary sewer installation in
Bass Bay area. A letter from G. P. Lee was reviewed in regards
to correspondence from Rich Eberhardt. Ald. DeAngelis moved,
• based on recommendations of City Engineer, to pay $1,120.55.
Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried.
Public Sewer Committee - Page 2
April 11, 1985
• The Committee discussed D. F. Tomasini bill of March 14, 1985.
The amount of the bill is $1,504.00. The portion in the amount
of $592.00 for raising of manhole #5 had previously been approved
by the Committee and Council. The portion of the bill in
question is a charge of $912.00 which was a result of a septic
tank problem at S79 W16132 Bay Lane Place. The bill has been
forwarded to the owner. Ald. DeAngelis will discuss this bill
further with Larry Schluter of D. F. Tomasini Contractors.
The Committee discussed update of sludge application for
abandonment of ponds. Mayor Salentine will tour areas in
question with the DNR on April 12, 1985 to get approval.
The Committee reviewed Boszhardt Lane project. The City Attorney
has not forwarded final draft. Mr. Lemke s front foot assessment
is 67.5 ft. and Mrs. Lindhorst's front foot assessment is 60
ft. The other Lemke footage (home adjacent to creek) of 96.5 ft.
will not be assessed because of granting easement and recognizing
front foot assessment levied in 1968 in the amount of $1,200.00.
The Committee discussed Kurtze Lane Sewer Project - Manhole #5
and #6. Joe Eberle, Ruekert & Mielke, said that they were built
according to plans and should be correct when project is
The Committee reviewed sewer hook-ups for summer cottages.
• Policy will have to be set in regard to this problem. The
Committee directs City Attorney to determine if special
provisions could be granted to summer cottages to allow them to
make connections to sewer. If this isn't possible, owners will
be given opportunity to bring up to code or remove within two
The Committee reviewed the Sewer Usage rate for summer cottages
and unanimously agreed that the fees established in Ordinance
#505 apply.
The Committee reviewed Klenz Sewer Extensions. The Committee
reviewed the plans from Ruekert & Mielke. It is the opinion of
the Committee that Reserve Capacity Assessment will be $1500.00
on the Klenz property.
The Committee discussed outstanding Sewer Assessment - Hillendale
project (Froehlich and Stevens). The Committee agrees that
assessments for their properties should be sent because the sewer
moratorium is over. Courtesy letters will be sent to both owners
to explain why and what is being done.
Ald. DeAngelis moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:37 P.M.
Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried.
• Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Mitchel Penovich
ca Secretary
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