PSEM19850314• PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 14, 1985 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gaetzke at 7:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Members DeAngelis and Penovich, Mayor Salentine, Stan Walters, Brent Martins, Tom Ludwig and those per the attached list. The Committee reviewed the bill submitted by D. F. Tomasini. Mr. Bob Johnson, a representative of D. F. Tomasini, stated that they replaced the tank because it was cracked. The Committee recommended payment since the information presented was different than originally reviewed. This payment is subject to approval of the City Attorney and City Engineer. The Committee discussed request for permission to extend sewer main approximately 150 feet to the west of the existing manhole to facilitate future building. A letter received from Bob Klenz dated February 2, 1985 requesting this extension, at his own expense, was reviewed. Ald. DeAngelis moved to approve the sewer main extension. Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried. The Committee discussed sewage problem on North Shore Drive with • Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Michels, who voiced concern over depth of generator. Mrs. John Brunner on North Shore Drive also discussed problems existing in that area. She complained of sewage back up in her home, odor and lack of landscaping around lift station. The Committee agrees with the need for landscaping and will discuss this matter with Sewer Treatment Plant Operator. Ald. DeAngelis moved to request Waukesha County Health Department to check noise and carbon monoxide levels in Mrs. Brunner's home. Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried. The Committee discussed rates for Holding and Septic Sewer Haulers. The Sewer Committee decided to defer until next meeting for further discussion. Mr. Walters will be notified of time and date of next sewer meeting. The Committee discussed Bass Bay/Kurtze Lane Sewer Projects - Woods Rood. 1. Manhole #5 has been completed. 2. Manhole and lines on Sobek Lane and Bass Bay have been inspected and are ready to be hooked up. The Committee requests the City Engineer to submit in writing verification that Sobeck Lane and Bass Bay are ready for hook up. 3. There is a problem with the lift station on Kurtze Lane and there will be a delay of approximately one month J0 before hook up. The Committee requests the City Engineer to check Manhole #5 and #6 on Kurtze Lane to determine if they should be raised. • Public Sewer Minutes - Page 2 March 14, 1985 The Committee reviewed Deferred Assessment Policy and Resolution #28-85, as amended. Ald. Penovich moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke, motion carried. The Committee discussed fees for homes not winterized for permanent habitation. The Committee decided to defer until a report from the Building Inspector is received on these types of homes. The Committee discussed update on Boszhardt Lane Agreement. Mrs. Lindhorst is concerned with the width of the ingress/egress easement in the agreement. The City Attorney is now working on final draft to be submitted to both Mrs. Lindhorst and Mr. Lemke for their approval. Ald. Penovich moved to start bidding process on Boszhardt Lane subject to City Attorney's approval of being able to establish an assessment district if there is no agreement between the City, Mrs. Lindhorst and Mr. Lemke. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried. The Committee discussed forced hook-up on Cameron Bruce property at W198 S11099 Racine Avenue. Ald. DeAngelis will contact Mrs. Bruce and explain her options in regard to pending forced hook • up. The Committee prioritized proposed sewer extensions: 1. Woods Road (Mystic & Durham), 2. Ann Drive and 3. Bellview Drive. Ald. Penovich moved to direct the City Engineers to draw up plans for the Woods Road Extension from Mystic Drive to Durham Drive. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried. The Committee discussed the request to hook-up to sewers received from Mr. W. Hayden, W203 S10320 North Shore Drive. Ald. DeAngelis moved to approve. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke, motion carried. The Committee reviewed report of Sewer Treatment Operator. The Committee decided that previous month's Operators Report be reviewed at following sewer meeting for follow up. The Committee discussed sludge application. The Committee recognizes need to acquire additional 100 acres and has requested property owners be contacted and negotiation begin immediately to acquire land subject to DNR approval. The Committee discussed Marino Construction arbitration claim. Grant for legal, engineering and geologist fees is being processed. • The Committee discussed complaint filed with Public Service Commission and reviewed letter from the Public Service Commission dated February 15, 1985 and placed on file. • • Public Sewer Committee - Page 3 March 14, 1985 The Committee reviewed sewer charges from Town of Norway and reviewed letter dated February 11, 1985 from Town of Norway. The Committee reviewed correspondence from State Bureau of Plumbing dated February 25, 1985. The Committee reviewed sewer connection request of Credit Union & Health Club. Agreement is still pending between City of New Berlin, Credit Union and Health Club. The Committee discussed authorizing testing of wells on Ladwig Drive. The Committee authorizes testing of wells by engineers in the Ladwig Drive Sewer Project area. The Committee reviewed Ladwig Drive Assessment Roll and recommends the roll, as prepared, for the assessment hearing. The Committee discussed salvage equipment and building at treatment plants. The Committee recommends that Superintendent Bertram review equipment and submit list to Ruekert & Mielke. Superintendent Bertram will also submit report to Sewer Committee as to any saleable equipment. The Committee directs the Sewer Treatment Plant Operator to close and lock gates on Vesbach property when work is not in progress. The meeting adjourned at 11:37 P.M. ca Respectfully submitted, Ald. Mitchel Penovich Secretary