PSEM19850117PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 17, 1985 iThe meeting was called to order by Chairman Gaetzke at 8:15 P.M. Also present were Committee Members DeAngelis and Penovich, Mayor Salentine and those persons per the attached list. The Committee discussed Ready -To -Serve Charge. Ald. Gaetzke reviewed Ordinance #505 with those in attendance. Robert Leonard (Milwaukee) voiced concern over outhouses and Muskego Building Codes in regard to summer homes. Harold DeBack expressed concern over wording of Ready -To -Serve charge. He stated that he would like paragraph clarified. It was the decision of the Committee to meet with the Building Inspector to answer some of the questions raised and to try to solve some of the problems of the individual property owners. Individual property owners will be notified as to decisions and policy of the Committee in writing. Property owners in question can proceed as they are now until decisions are made. The Committee discussed was not in attendance to • questioned as to if they improvement costs. The feel they should pay for meet with Mr. Gratzek to property owners to react • sewer extension -Ann Drive. Mr. Gratzek discuss problem. Residents were would participate in sewer and road property owners stated that they don't road improvements. Ald. Gaetzke will try to arrive at a proposal for the to. The Committee reviewed the Sewer Treatment Plant Operator's Report with Scott Kloskowski. The Committee suggested that Scott report flow on all meters monthly. The Committee discussed dumping permit for Stan Walter Septic Tank Service. The Committee discussed what the charge would be to allow Stan Walter to dump into our system. The Committee decided that the charge would be $3.06 per 1,000 gallons dumped. Ald. DeAngelis moved to adopt the charge of $3.06 per 1,000 gallons of septic or holding tank dumped. Dumping will occur at the McShane plant and a mail box will be provided for depositing the hauling slips from the septic tank hauler. The septic tank haulers will be billed quarterly for the $3.06 rate. Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried. Mr. Walter will inform City if he will accept the rate. The Committee also agreed to allow a key to be given to the hauler for entrance into the gate to gain access after normal operating hours. The times that were suggested by the hauler were from 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Public Sewer Committee - Page 2 January 17, 1985 • The Committee discussed request of Mr. Swanto to obtain a connection to the Muskego Sewer System. Mr. Swanto would like to purchase a parcel in New Berlin for building a Health Club. The Committee stated that they are receptive to the hook-up if the capital costs charged by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewer District, which is the responsibility of the property, are borne by the City of New Berlin. Under those terms the connection would be granted to the City of New Berlin. Mr. Swanto should seek the approval from the City of New Berlin. Mr. Swanto was agreeable to the $25,000 buy -in cost for the privilege of connecting to Muskego sewers and would be provided this connection under the same terms that Central Credit Union received for hooking into the Muskego system. Sewer Usage fee would be computed recognizing that Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District's capital costs are not included in the formula. Mr. Swanto will be given a copy of sewer minutes after Council adoption. The Committee discussed Bass Bay and Kurtze Lane Hook-up problems and restoration. Manhole #5 was also discussed. It appears that cost to raise the manhole, if necessary, would be borne by the City of Muskego. A claim was registered on pipe near Manhole #5, which will be checked by the Building Inspector. Ald. DeAngelis moved to raise Manhole #5 per engineer's recommendation. Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried. Restoration and hook- • up problems are being referred to the City Engineer. A letter of complaint received from Frank Switala, Sr. dated December 28, 1984 was received and will be forwarded to Engineers. Frank Switala stated the fence around pumping station is acceptable. Screen planting will be acceptable for the portion yet to be fenced. The Committee discussed the Oschmann easement and assessment for Ladwig Drive Sewer Project with Mr. Stan Potrykus. Ald. DeAngelis moved to recommend to allow development on a one lot parcel with 125% of the deferred asessment on that lot to be paid at the time the lot is sold or improvements begin. Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried. The Committee discussed Boszhardt Lane Project. Mr. Lemke has given approval and is now waiting for approval from Mrs. Lindhorst. Mayor Salentine will contact Mrs. Lindhorst. The Committee discussed the Sewer Charge for Mother -In -Law units. Ald. Gaetzke stated that he felt the charge was inequitable. Ald. Penovich moved to approve that sewer usage charge to Mother -In -Law units be based on three-quarter (3/4) REC and a refund be made to the owners involved on the 3/4 REC computation. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke, motion carried. • The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting. Public Sewer Minutes - January 17, 1985 Page 3 • The Committee discussed possible sewer extensions for 1985 which included Woods Road, Bellview, Hillendale and Ann Drive. Mayor Salentine will talk to City Engineer. The meeting adjourned at 11:50 P.M. ca n LJ • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Mitchel Penovich Secretary .• M /YIR-�/17a5 S5 2Y �W1e7oZ %.► yYl�, ��vl�arc� ��n �s �, S77 (.ATM/*0P/rh V� 7 7 wl 8;? Y40 i 1vn/ ,DR • e�A 4 �$oo of �ii c/ �i � �Cj ►�-/���?93� � Lxe�f %i Sys l v aI? 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