The meeting was called to order by Chairman Eugene Gaetzke at
8:20 P.M. Also present were Committee Members DeAngelis and
Penovich, Jim Kibbe, Mayor Salentine and those persons per the
attached list.
The sewer treatment operator gave his report.
The Committee discussed connection problem with representatives
from St. Leonard Parish. They explained to the Committee that it
has recently come to their attention that the Convent was never
physically hooked up to sewers and they have been paying a sewer
usage fee since 1968. They are asking the City for possible
consideration or credit because of their non —connection. The
Committee will obtain more information and discuss at a later
meeting. Mr. Peter Laundre, Chairman of Finance of St. Leonard
Parish, will be notified as to date of next meeting.
The Committee discussed condemnation of Easement —Bay Lane Place
with Robert Klenz. Mr. Klenz is requesting condemnation of a
section of property on Bay Lane. Aid. Penovich moved to approve
start of condemnation, cost of which is to be paid by the two
property owners requesting condemnation. Seconded by Aid.
DeAngelis, motion carried.
The Committee discussed request for Assessment Exemption — Bay
• Lane Place. Aid. Gaetzke read correspondence from Frank D.
Switala requesting exemption in the amount of $2,199.78. Aid.
Gaetzke moved to defer in order to further discuss. Seconded by
Aid. DeAngelis, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed the Auditor Contract for Conley, McDonald
Sprague & Co. Aid. Penovich moved to approve. Seconded by Aid.
Gaetzke, motion carried.
The Committee reviewed deferred assessment policy. Aid.
DeAngelis moved to direct the City Attorney to prepare a
resolution establishing a Deferred Assessment Policy wherein it
states that for each five (5) year period, interest will be
charged per annum, and as discussed at Sewer Committee meetings
of January 12, 1984 and February 9, 1984. Seconded by Aid.
Gaetzke, motion carried.
The Committee discussed setting Usage Fee. Aid. Gaetzke moved to
recommend approval of Usage Fee established at the Informational
Hearing held September 13, 1984. Aid. Penovich seconded, motion
The Committee discussed the Ladwig Drive Easements with David
Ludwig and Judith Strampe. The Committee requests that the City
Attorney prepare the necessary documents for Ladwig Drive
. Easements for submittal to the City to obtain the easements.
Public Sewer Committee — Page 2
September 20, 1984
• The Committee reviewed the Ordinance to create Chapter 21 of the
Municipal Code of the City of Muskego entitled "Sewer Utility".
Amendments and additions to the second draft were discussed.
Ald. Gaetzke moved to recommend approval. Seconded by Ald.
Penovich, motion carried. The Sewer Committee will review again
at next meeting.
The Committee reviewed the Sewer Utility Budget for 1985 with the
Sewer Utility Clerk. The Committee will review again at next
meeting to finalize and make a recommendation.
The Committee discussed the Mike Lilach well (Bass Bay Sewer
Project). The Committee directs the City Engineers to check into
the problem and to contact the contractor, if need be, to get
water back into the Lilach home.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. It was noted
that the August 16, 1984 minutes should read "revised Boszhardt
Lane agreement sent to parties involved and requested reply in
three weeks". Minutes of June 14, 1984 meeting will be corrected
to read "Mr. Lemke will pay for 164.02 ft. front foot
The Committee reviewed the Change Order #3 —
Extension of Contract Time to Allow for Pinal
Restoration work relating to the Installation
Interceptor under Woods Road.
The meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M.
Contract 10-83,
Paving &
of the Sewer
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Mitchel Penovich