PSEM19840913• PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE — CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF INFORMATIONAL HEARING HELD SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gaetzke at 7:08 P.M. Present were Mayor Salentine, City Clerk Stewart, Financial Consultant Seegar Swanson, City Engineer Bill Mielke and Sewer Utility Clerk Louise Oszakiewski. Also present were Mr. Al Stefaniak, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Herzberg, Mr. Frank Switala, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Estel Ellery. Bill Mielke presented an explanation of the User Charge being proposed to the City, effective January 1, 1985. Seegar Swanson reviewed projected changes to the User Fee in the future. Mrs. Carmen Herzberg stated that she would like to see a special tax fund implemented to help pay for future sewer projects. She also felt that we should be able to deduct the Usage Fee from our taxes. Seegar Swanson stated that citizens should contact Congressman James Sensenbrenner, Jr., since he has introduced legislation to allow sewer usage fees to be federally tax deductible. • Mr. Estel Ellery expressed the conern that Senior Citizens will have regarding the increase in the Sewer Usage Fee. The Committee indicated that the User Fee is derived from the forumla that is in the Ordinance which will be reviewed at the next Sewer Committee meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. ca C Respectfully submitted, Ald. Mitchel Penovich Secretary MUSKEGO USER CHARGE Operation and Maintenance Costs 1. Town of Norway Charges 2. MMSD Charges 3. City of Muskego Costs Allocation Method 1. Water use or billable flow will be on a residential equivalent connection basis. 2. System leakage or infiltration/inflow will be charged equally to all users based on a connection charge. 3. Higher than domestic strength sewage will receive a surcharge. Debt Service 1. Town of Norway Charge • 2. MMSD Charge 3. Muskego Debt a) Debt to City b) Revenue Bonds c) 1983 Bonding Allocation Method 1. Water use or billable flow will be on a residential equivalent connection basis. 2. System leakage or infiltration/inflow will be charged equally to all users based on a connection charge. RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Consulting Engineers 419 Frederick Street Waukesha, WI 53186 September 13, 1984 • • 0 MUSKEGO USER CHARGE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS 1. City Budget 2. Replacement Budget 3. MMSD/Norway Charge a) Connection Charge b) REC Charge O&M CHARGE CALCULATION (CITY) $220,000.00 10,350.00 25.66/Conn. 39.29/REC REC = $230,350 x 50.8% Billable = $27.86/REC Charge 4200 REC's CONK. _ $230,350 x 49.28onI/I = $31.15/CONN. Charge 3638 Connectis O&M BILL Connection Charge a) MMSD/Norway $25.66 b) City 31.15 REC Charge a) MMSD/Norway $39.29 b) City 27.86 TOTAL BILL $123.96/REC RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Consulting Engineers 419 Frederick Street Waukesha, WI 53186 September 13, 1984 MUSKEGO USER CHARGE DEBT COSTS DEBT SERVICE 1. Norway Bill $ 6,318.00 2. Debt to City 520,472.00 3. Revenue Bonds 96,697.00 4. MMSD Bill 1,077,550.00 $1,701,037.00 CONTRIBUTIONS TO DEBT COST 1. TIF Payments $ 25,000.00 2. Unit Assessments 320,000.00 3. Connection Fees 50,000.00 4. RCA Fees 30,000.00 • 5. 6. General Taxes 1984 Left Over Balance 76,227.00 219,715.00 • $720,942.00 DEBT CHARGE CALCULATION REC = $1,701,037 - $720,942 X 50.8% Billable Charge 4200 REC's - $118.54/REC CONN. _ $1,701,037 - 720,942 x 49.2% I/I = $132.50/CONN. Charge 3638 Connections Total Household Cost $118.54 + $132.50 = $251.04 RUEKERT & MIELKE, INC. Consulting Engineers 419 Frederick Street Waukesha, WI 53186 September 13, 1984 • MUSREGO USER CHARGE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE 1. Town of Norway/MMSD a) Connection Charge $25.66 b) REC Charge 39.29 2. City of Muskego a) Connection Charge $31.15 b) REC Charge $27.86 Household O&M Cost $123.96 DEBT SERVICE 1. Connection Charge $132.50 2. REC Charge 118.54 Household Debt Cost $251.04 TOTAL HOUSEHOLD COST $375.00 METERED USERS Connection Charge Flow Charge $189.31/Conn. $2.65/1000 gallons RUERERT & MIELKE, INC. Consulting Engineers 419 Frederick Street Waukesha, WI 53186 September 13, 1984