PSEM19840709PUBLIC SEWER MINUTES - CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING HELD JULY 9, 1984 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Eugene Gaetzke at 7:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Members DeAngelis and Penovich, Sewer Treatment Operator Kibbe, Mayor Salentine and those persons per the attached list. The Committee reviewed the request of Waste Management for sewer service with Doug Coenen from Waste Management. A letter stating Waste Management's request was read by Chairman Gaetzke. Mr. Coenen stated that Waste Management was interested in pursuing the availability of sewer service seeing that Wauer's Rendering is no longer interested in pursuing this matter. Ald. DeAngelis moved to have Waste Management meet with the City Engineers in regard to this matter, and recommended that the project is advisable. The engineer's cost to the city will become Waste Management's responsibility. Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried. The Sewer Treatment Plant Operator gave his report. The Committee discussed North Shore Drive with residents of the area. A letter written by Attorney Molter was read by Chairman Eugene Gaetzke. Ald. DeAngelis moved that the Sewer Committee honor the agreement between Mayor Gottfried and area residents dated January 25, 1979, which allowed local municipality to • determine availability of sewer; thus not requiring connection. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke, motion carried. The Committee reviewed objections to increased REC assignments. Mary and George Scoufis appeared representing Parkland Twin Theatres. They voiced their concern with the 2-1/2 REC per screen assessment. The Committee explained that their REC assessment relates to their peak daily flow and, at this time, a determination has not been made as to the basis for a Usage Fee charge. The Committee acknowledged receipt of letter from Ellsworth L. Koche and agrees that 1-1/4 REC was appropriate and the assessment would stand. The Committee reviewed Assessment procedure - limited access Interceptor Sewers. Ald. Penovich moved to amend the assessment policy and to prepare Woods Road assessment roll excluding front foot assessment for a limited access interceptor sewer. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried. The Committee discussed connection fees for new construction on prior hook-ups. The Committee made a determination that the $500.00 connection fee would be waived because the lateral connection is existing, i.e. replacement of an existing • structure. Public Sewer Minutes July 9, 1984 PAGE 2 The Committee discussed suggested guidelines to be implemented into the ordinance. Additional REC's for future expansion may be purchased for $250 until January 1, 1985; however, after tax rolls have been closed, between November 1, 1984 and January 1, 1985, additional REC's can be purchased only if paid in cash within that period. In regard to future $250 REC's, they will be offered same payment plan as existing REC assessments. The Committee discussed Usage Fee. The Committee would like to explore variables in the percentages as they relate to the infiltration for determining the Usage Fee. The Committee deferred to the July 26 Sewer Meeting. The Committee discussed hardship policy as to determining the basis for not requiring connection. The following should be considered: 1. Do they have workable septic system? 2. Distance — anything over 500' would be given consideration. 3. Hardship cases should be reviewed every two years. The Committee reviewed progress of FLOW Coalition. Mayor Salentine stated that FLOW'and MMSD have scheduled another meeting to discuss ongoing contract negotiations. The Committee reviewed the minutes of June 14, 1984, acknowledging the fact that Muskego Rendering has withdrawn • request for sewers. The Committee discussed soil borings — Ladwig Drive. Ald. Gaetzke moved to recommend approval not to exceed $3,000, with the funds to be obtained from TID #4. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried. The Committee reviewed proposed amendment to REC chart and Changes in REC number assignments. Ald. Gaetzke moved to recommend approval of the amended Rec Chart and Changes in REC number assignments. Seconded by Ald. Penovich, motion carried. The Committee acknowledged receipt of letter from Attorney Friend dated June 19, 1984 and will stay with original decision of June 11, 1984. Ald. Penovich moved to adjourn meeting at 10:35 P.M. Seconded by Ald DeAngelis, motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Mitchel Penovich Acting Secretary • ca