PSEM19840614PUBLIC SEWER MINUTES - CITY OF MUSKEGO MEETING HELD JUNE 14, 1984 • The meeting was called to order by Chairman Eugene Gaetzke at 7:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Member DeAngelis, Mayor Salentine, Rich Eberhardt and those persons per the attached list. Ald. Penovich was absent. Mr. Rich Eberhardt from Ruekert & Mielke presented the Ladwig Drive Sewer Plans. The plans showed the sewer mains ranging at a depth of 18 ft. to 24 ft. The Committee received questions about well contamination during construction and also if there is a choice given as to whether an individual would install sewers. Mr. Eberhardt discussed the steps involved in the sewer project. Mr. Eberhardt stated that a six inch lateral could be used to hook up the El Dorado and suggested moving manhole #14 fifty feet south; eliminating manhole #15. The Committee recommended that the lateral from manhole #16 going north to service the Herda property be eliminated and to move manhole #14 fifty feet south. The Committee agreed to extend the lateral to the Clarence Herda property's lot line. It was noted that there have been substantial complaints about poor maintenance of existing sewered roads (i.e. Woods Road and Kurtze Lane). The Engineer was directed to work with the contractors to improve the condition of Woods Road. • The Committee discussed the Hardship Policy on Linhorst property as to what it would cost Mrs. Lindhorst to sewer her home by way of easements through Lemke's property, down Boszhardt Lane to Highway 24. It was decided that Mr. Lemke will pay for 164.02 ft. front foot assessment times the cost of the Ladwig Drive project, minus $1,287.00. Mrs. Linhorst's front foot assessment would be the average width of lot times cost of Ladwig front foot assessment. Mrs. Lindhorst's home will be served by a lateral on an easement crossing the Lemke property. It was further noted that the overcoat of the project will be paid by the Sewer Utility. The Mayor and Chairman of the Sewer Committee will invite the parties involved to a meeting to discuss the matter. The Committee discussed the usage fee and deferred the matter to the next Sewer meeting. Mrs. Carmen Herzberg appeared before the Committee to discuss concerns in regard to the state shared revenue as it relates to the Sewer Utility. The Committee discussed RCA objection letters. They adopted a policy for businesses sharing the same facilities and for homes that are connected with a business. In the case where adjoining businesses, under the same ownership, share the same facilities and one of the businesses meet the minimum of one REC, the adjoining business would be charged based on the number of employees (.25 REC for each five employees), or by REC chart assignment if their use is based on something other than • employeee number. In the case where a business is connected to the home and the home meets the one REC minimum, the business will be charged based on the same method as adjoining businesses. • u Public Sewer Minutes June 14, 1984 PAGE 2 The objection letter of Mr. and Mrs. Chic was reviewed. The Committee recommended staying with the original number of RECs recommended by the City Engineer. The Committee reviewed the Bass Bay bids with the City Engineer. The Committee recommended accepting D. F. Tomasini's bid of $316,115 along with alternate Item 1 of $-7,000., for a total cost of $309,115. The Committee reviewed and recommended approval of the Bass Bay Assessment Roll. The Committee discussed Mr. Nowicki's request for sewers. The Committee will consider this next year. The Committee discussed the policy for access interceptor sewers on Woods Road. Ald. Gaetzke moved to defer to next meeting. Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis, motion carried. The sewer treatment operator's report was reviewed. The Committee reviewed the minutes of the May 24, 1984 meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 P.M. ca Respectfully submitted, Alderman Frank DeAngelis Secretary LJ i '/'OA'fJf l/✓. .if�..J i�.- .....rl� off-- �v�^t-�!''� , %% , Ltw1�)6�;vzs-r I h J/ J �- / n 1