PSEM19840611• PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING HELD JUNE 11, 1984 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Eugene Gaetzke at 7:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Member DeAngelis, Mayor Salentine and those persons per the attached list. Ald. Penovich was absent. The Chairman outlined the procedure that the Committee will use in reviewing the objections. The following persons appeared and the Committee's recommendations were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. James LeHann Objected to the $1500 assessment for new construction vs for existing. The Committee recommended no change. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Ludwig Objected to assessment because of misinterpretation o t e assessment letter. The Committee clarified that if no connection was made, no assessment is payable. This resolved their concerns with non -conforming lots or lots never intended to be built on. • Mr. Heinz Goehring Objected to T e Committee in ormed him that Final Resolution is January 1, 0 the July 1, 1984 cut off date. their recommendation for the 1985. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gettelmen Appeared on behalf of a multiple signet -list as of ow fir. and Mrs. Richard G. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Narewski, Mr. and Mrs. G. Maciosek, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Clements, and Mrs. and Mrs. George Schmeling. Objected to the assessment based on the fact that they do not want or need sewers. Discussion followed with clarification that the Sewer Committee had no intent at this time to sewer this property and no assessment will be payable until connection to sewer system. Mr. Rudolph Heinrich Objected to the $1500 per lot assessment to t e property and emphasized the lack of available sewers. The Committee informed Mr. Heinrich that there would be no assessment due if there was no connection made. Mr. Alton Boldt Objected to REC numbers assigned for the RCA assessment becTuse he indicated his REC number was based on metered water usage on the inflow and he claims that his water is used in marketing his product as well as watering lawns and washing trucks. The Committee recommended that the REC number will stand, but asked Mr. Boldt to work with the City Engineers to document the number of gallons of water used for commercial use and those not discharged into the sewer system. Public Sewer Minutes PAGE 2 • June 11, 1984 Mr. Michael Fitzgerald Objected to one additional REC charge for Tillsdryding business because the same facilities are used for the laundromat. Aldermen Gaetzke recommended that the business be considered one business; therefore, not receiving an additional one REC for dry cleaning. Mr. Fitzgerald further requested a 5% reduction in RCA assessment because of the evaporation of water in the drying process in the Laundromat. The Committee agreed to send the request to the City Engineer for determination if evaporation request is valid. The following letters of objections were also reviewed: House of Homes No Change Muskego Norway School District No Change Tudor Oaks Retirement Community No Change Mr. Ray Gray No Change Mr. Robert K1enz No Change Mr.Lawrence Vanden Plas No Change • Attorney Henry Friend The Committee agreed with the City Engineers report. The following are the objections received recommending a change in the Reserve Capacity Assessment roll: Sandra Roberts Hair Design Based on the City Engineer's report, change from 3.75 to 3. Tess Corners Kitchen The Committee agreed with the Engineer's report to reduce t e 3.75 RECs to 3. St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church The Committee agreed to eliminate the REC charged or the old church if St. Paul's was willing to certify to the City or "red tag" the building for non-use. The other letters received were classified as informational letters and will be addressed after the Final Resolution is passed by the Common Council. The meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, • Ald. Frank DeAngelis ca Secretary o- - i� iI J r 1� i 9 1�yle f " /