The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Nilsson at
7:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Members DeAngelis,
Gaetzke and Mayor Salentine, and those persons per the attached
Ald. Gaetzke moved to go into closed session pursuant to State
Statutes, Section 19.85(1)(g) to confer with legal counsel for
the governmental body who is rendering oral or written advice
concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to
litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved,
namely the State of Wisconsin vs the City of Muskego. Ald.
DeAngelis seconded the motion, carried unanimously.
Mr. Kibbe presented his monthly report which was received and
placed on file.
The Committee reviewed the request for a holding tank at W194
S6945 Hillendale Dr. by General Motors. Ald. Gaetze moved to
advise General Motors that it is the intent of the Sewer
Committee to sewer Hillendale to Racine Avenue in the near
future. Ald. DeAngelis seconded and the motion carried. It
• was noted by the Committee that if General Motors elected to
install a holding tank, it would still be required that this
property be hooked to the sewer system within 9 mos.from its
Jerry Sevick and Carl Wauer appeared for Muskego Rendering.
They reported that they process 60,000 to 70,000 gallons of
water per day at peak flows. The pipe would run about 10,500
ft. from Wauer's plant along Hwy. 24 to the Muskego Industrial
Park to intersection of Mercury and Apollo where it would
connect to the sewer system. Considerable discussion was had
regarding all aspects of the intended sewer project. The
Committee was receptive to the concept of allowing Muskego
Rendering to hook-up to the sewer system. Ruekert & Mielke and
the Financial Consultant are requested to prepare a response to
Muskego Rendering's request.
Mr. Joe Eberle of Ruekert & Mielke reported on the abandonment
of treatment plants. All sludge must be removed and fluids
must be shipped to MMSD. Mrs. Vesbach will be notified of
final filling of the pond. Mayor Salentine, Ald. DeAngelis,
Joe Eberle and Atty. Arenz will meet with Mrs. Vesbach to
discuss the filling of the pond.
The Committee discussed the Sewer Utility Maintenance program
• after connection to MMSD. Mr. Eberle reported that three
people will be needed in the new system with a greater
knowledge of safety, etc., but not necessarily more working
• Public Sewer Committee
4/12/84 - Page 2
hours involved. The Committee discussed wages, etc., for lead
sewer operator to become effective in 1985. The Committee
recommended that when the present operator retires the
replacement will start at the six month level of the pay scale
of the present operator. Supt. Bertram will select two
additional Public Works employees plus Scott Kloskowski for
necessary job training. Ruekert & Mielke will prepare the
proper job description.
Ald. Gaetzke moved to have a bi-monthly inspection of the
plants with additional inspections upon necessity, to be done
by Ruekert & Mielke. Nilsson seconded, carried unanimously.
The Committee reviewed the current Hardship Policy. Mr. Jim
Lindhorst and Delbert Holtz appeared in regard to sewering
their properties. It is the intent of the Sewer Committee to
sewer two properties owned by Mr. Lemke and the Lindhorst
property. Mayor Salentine will contact Mr. Lemke in regard to
easements for sewers for the Lindhorst property. Mr. Holtz's
property will be evaluated at a future date.
The Committee agreed there will be no more hardships granted
• for sewer hook-ups.
The Committee discussed Stand-by hookup charges. They agreed
that the stand-by hookup fee will be charged against people who
have sewer available to them. The capital portion of the usage
charge will be used to determine the stand-by hookup charge.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of previous meeting.
The Committee reviewed Linnie Lac agreement as presented by
Attorney Molter dated March 16. Mayor Salentine will meet with
Mayor Malone and the City Attorney of New Berlin. Ald. Gaetzke
moved to recommend the agreement as presented. Ald. Nilsson
seconded the motion and the motion carried with Ald. DeAngelis
voting "no".
The Committee reviewed the draft of the RCA letter and made
some changes.
The Committee discussed the Kurtze Lane sewer project changes
requested by David Ludwig. Any additional cost of change in
cul-de-sac on Kurtze lane will be the responsibility of David
The meeting adjourned at 12:06 A.M.
. Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Frank DeAngelis
jm Secy.