PSEM19840302• PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 2, 1984 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nilsson at 8:15 A.M. Also present were Committee Members Gaetzke and DeAngelis, Mayor Salentine, City Clerk Stewart, Financial Consultant Seegar Swanson and Louise Os-zakiewski. Mr. Swanson discussed the Reserve Capacity Assessment policy and other sewer utility financing. Mayor Salentine reviewed the progress of the FLOW coalition and reported fourteen FLOW community members attended a meeting in Madison to lobby FLOW's cause. Ald. DeAngelis also attended. The Committee discussed the Ladwig Drive sewer project with property owners on Woods Road to the east of Ladwig Drive. Ald. Gaetzke moved to have the City Engineer provide estimates for this addition. Ald. Nilsson seconded and the motion carried. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pellmann appeared to discuss their assessment on Woods Road. The Pellmans objected to their sewer assessment because the gravity sewer is installed at a depth of 30 ft.; thus making it uneconomical to service any land divisions other than • major subdivisions. Mr. Joe Eberle appeared to discuss the servicing of Woods Road past -the Pellmann Farm and how a future subdivision could be hooked up to manholes in the road. The committee reviewed alternatives for establishing a Hardship Policy for property owners not required to connect to sewers due to cost because of distance. 1. ECONOMIC HARDSHIP - The Homestead Act could be used as a guideline. Reverse Mortgage - The City could make the sewer assessment and put a lien against the property. Upon the sale of the property, assessment fee plus interest could be collected. 2. PHYSICAL HARDSHIP - The City would put in lateral to within 10 ft of the property line. Mr. Victor Lemke appeared to discuss the hardship with his sewer. He is 500 ft. from the sewer main on Janesville Road. Mr. Lemke was informed that the policy will be discussed at a future meeting. • Mr. Kibbe presented his report for February. The committee discussed the holding tank effluent dumping. • n U • Sewer Committee Minutes of 3/2/84 Page 2 Mayor Salentine asked the Sewer Committee for permission to negotiate eliminating Paul DeAngelis' island from the map that determines the equalized value paid to MMSD. Mayor Salentine will discuss this with Attorney Susan Anthony. Ald. Gaetrzke moved to recommend eliminating DeAngelis' island from the map that determines the equalized value paid to MMSD. Ald. Nilsson seconded and the motion carried. Ald. DeAngelis abstained from voting. Mr Seegar Swanson discussed the assessment hearing to be held at the High School and the letter to be sent to sewer users that will explain their R.C.A. charges. Mr. Swanson reviewed the Residential Equivalency Charge Chart to be included in the sewer ordinance. Ald. Gaetzke moved to recommend Common Council approval of a resolution approving this chart so it can be used to establish the REC's, for the RCA hearing. Ald. DeAngelis seconded and the motion carried. The committee discussed the charge for Stand-by Hook-ups. Ald. Gaet,zke moved to require the pro -rated share of the usage charge which relate to debt service be charged to any improved property in the sewer area that is not connected. Ald. Nilsson seconded and the motion carried. The committee discussed the Bass Bay Sewer Project. Ald. DeAngelis moved to recommend to Common Council to authorilze the City Engineer to bid the project. Ald. GaetTzke seconded and the motion carried. The Committee approved and recommended to Common Council the 1984 Sewer Budget as modified. ca Respectfully submitted, Ald. Frank DeAngelis Secretary I -7/ �C t��r�'/Ls� ��`" 2d-/ /�✓z �' � -wit Ye S 77 yi 15 S' J 5' i•+• o � g n • Cl