PSEM19830915PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 15, 1983 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nilsson at 7:10 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Gaetzke and DeAngelis, Mayor Salentine, Jim Kibbe, Jerry Lee and those persons per the attached list. The Committee discussed the request of Wisconsin Corporate Central Credit Union dated September 7, 1983 for connection to the City's sewer system upon connection with MMSD, with an offer to pay a fee of $10,500.00 for this hook-up. Ald. Nilsson moved to recommend to the Council to allow the connection of the property at 12585 West Janesville Rd. at the time connection with MMSD is completed, for a fee of $25,000.00 to the City. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke, motion carried. The Committee reviewed the proposals for the Anthony Demshar forced hook-up. Ald. Gaetzke moved, Nilsson seconded, to accept the bid submitted by John Lang for installation of outside sanitary sewer from the lot line to the house as follows: Labor and machinery - $125.00 per hour; Material - Billed according to use; Inside plumbing; installed by Herb Degner at $25.00 per hour plus material. Motion carried, with Ald. DeAngelis voting "no". The Committee discussed the requested extension of the Bass Bay Sewers with Robert Klenz and E1 Dorado Retreat. A meeting will be set up to discuss further with the City Engineers, Mayor Salentine and Ald. DeAngelis. The Committee discussed the request of Donald Klejsmit, Jr. for extension of sewer lateral on Flintlock Trail and the water problem on the corner lot. Ald. Nilsson moved to request Jerry Lee to contact SEWRPC for a study of the corner lot on Flintlock Trail and Tess Corners Drive. Ald. DeAngelis seconded, motion carried. A letter from Ruekert & Mielke regarding the lift station on North Shore Drive regarding exhaust fumes was accepted and placed on file. The Committee discussed with Seegar Swanson the Sewer Utility 1984 Budget draft, including sewer connection charges and sewer usage fees. The Committee determined that the Municipal Code should be amended to require a connection fee for all new houses, including subdivisions, of $2,000.00; and a fee of $750.00 for existing houses to be connected to municipal sewers. Ald. Nilsson moved, Ald. Gaetzke seconded, to maintain the sewer usage fees the same as 1983. Motion carried. Ald. Nilsson moved, Ald. Gaetzke seconded, that the Sewer Budget for 1984 be set at $743,996.00. Motion carried. The Committee reviewed the request of Alvin Basse for reimbursement in the amount of $200.00 for crop damage due to sewer construction . in the area of the Sandy Beach Pumping Station. Ald. Nilsson moved, Ald. Gaetzke seconded, to reimburse Mr. Basse the $200.00. The Committee reviewed the Kurtze Lane assessment policy relating to Mr. and Mrs. Pellmann. The Committee determined that they Rn�C.NVED will be assessed for both sewer and road costs on la- Wo � d, Kurtze Lane with 10 year deferment available. it11310 The Committee reviewed the report of the sewer treatment plant operator. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Ald. Nilsson moved, Ald. Gaetzke seconded, to adjourn at 12:00 A.M. Respectfully submitted, jm Ald. Frank DeAngelis, Secy.