PSEM19830818PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 18, 1983 • The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Nilsson. Present were Committee Members Frank DeAngelis, Ald. Gaetzke and Mayor Salentine plus attached list. The Committee discussed a request of Donald Klejsmit, Jr. for extension of sewer lateral on Flintlock Trail. As assessment charge for 110 ft. of frontage at $25.00 a foot will be the method used to determine the cost of providing sewer to the home to be constructed on a much larger lot. The $25.00 per front foot charge was based on the Hillendale sewer assessment charge. Ald. DeAngelis moved to defer, Alderman Gaetzke seconded and action was deferred. Mrs. Mary Ann Brunner appeared before the Committee to discuss the odor and noise of the North Shore Lift Station. Mrs. Brunner feels there are health hazards. Ald. Nilsson moved to have Ruekert and Mielke review;.the problem. The motion was seconded by Ald. Gaetzke. Motion carried. The North Shore Lift Station will be discussed at the next Public Sewer meeting. Wisconsin Corporate Central Credit Union appeared before the committee to discuss sewer service to a property on the east side of Lowell • Place, in the City of New Berlin, which would not be used until after the city's connection with MMSD. Ald. Nilsson moved to grant • Wisconsin Corporate Central Credit Union sewer provided Muskego can come to an agreement with the City of New Berlin regarding costs. This motion was denied due to lack of second. Sewer Usage Charges for 1984 were discussed. Ald. Gaetzke moved to defer reviewing Sewer Usage Charges for 1984. The motion was seconded by Ald. DeAngelis. Motion carried. This will be discussed at the next meeting. The committee requested the Sewer Clerk and the Mayor to have the Sewer Budget prepared by the next meeting. Ald. Nilsson recommended that Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee review Ordinance #435 pertaining to sewer connection rates with new special assessment policy ($1,000 fee for easement) to be deleted. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke. Motion carried. The Building Inspector explained the 30 day connection order that was given to Mr. Demshar, W198 S10945 Racine Avenue, for making the connection to the sewer line. It was noted that as of August 18, the 30 days had lapsed. After considerable discussion, Ald. DeAngelis • moved to make the Demshar property a forced hook-up. The motion was seconded by Ald. Gaetzke. Motion carried. The Building Inspector was instructed to seek proposals for the next Sewer Committee meeting. The Committee discussed Bay Lane Place and recommended that the description of the road right -away to be acquired end at the private access. Ald. DeAngelis moved that the easement be obtained on the private access. Seconded by Ald. Gaetzke. Motion carried. Ald. Nilsson moved to recommend to Council approval of agreement with Ruekert and Mielke for Engineering services for the construction of the EPA Grant Projects (Sewer Interceptor). Seconded by Ald. DeAngelis. Motion carried. The Committee reviewed Sewer Treatment Plant Operator report. The Chairman of the Sewer Committee requested the discussion of Sewer Connection Charges be put on the next agenda. The meeting adjourned • at 10:27 P.M. FD/ca Respectfully submitted, Ald. Frank DeAngelis Secretary Vim" ,`'.:� ".�.� f- - - -___. �. _ 72t _�. . -�-_ _ . �• �' SEOC'e/Z S106 W20182 North Shore Dr. Muskego, Wi. 53150 August 11, 1983 Mr. Frank DeAngelis • Muskego City Hall P. 0. Box 25 Muskego, Wi. 53150 Dear Sir: [lease accept my apology for not appearing at the July 21 Sewer Committee Meeting, and kindly convey the same to the other Committee members. My absence was not due to lack of concern, but to a rather nasty case of the flu. Up until the last minute, I did intend to appear. By the time I realized that would be impossible, I had no way of contacting you. I have already expressed concern over the diesel fumes that • enter our home when the sewer lift station engine runs on Thursday mornings. During the summer, when windows are open and the prevailing winds are from the west, our house fills with enough exhaust to cause headache and nausea. This is especially annoying in view of the statements given to me by then Mayor Gottfried and then Alderman Salentine before the lift -station was installed that there would be no noise' and no odor. Prior to this year, I was away most of the days that the diesel engine ran. My employment schedule has changed, and I have be- come aware of some of the ramifications of this situation. If there was a power cut off of several days, or even hours during a summer storm, our house would not be fit to live in. If it werelto happen during the night while we were sleeping, I feel we might be made seriously ill. I shudder to think of what this might mean to an elderly or an infant guest in our home. I do believe that if the air quality of our home had been test- ed on certain days this summer, that the results would have been very negative. Since metro sewer connection seems to be in the near future, and more of these engines may be installed, I feel the matter is worth consideration. I doubt very much that the city or it's engineers wish to be responsible for ill- ness. I trust this matter may be resolved in the very near future. Thank you very much for your consideration. Sincerely, Vary Ann Brunner cc: Ruekert & Mielke, Inc.