The meeting was called to order at 8:30 P.M. by Chairman
Nilsson. Present were Committee Member Ald. DeAngelis,
Ald. Gaetzke, and Mayor Salentine. Others present as per
• attached list.
Frank Switala, Jr., appeared to discuss the lift station
which is located on half of his property and on half of
Gene Sobek's property. Mayor Salentine pointed out that
the Amended Relocation Order has been completed to include
agreed upon relocation of the lift station. Mayor Salentine
and Ald. DeAngelis will review this matter on Friday, July
22, 1983.
The Committee noted that the intention is to complete the
sewer project on Kurtze Lane simultaneously with the Bass
Bay project.
Donald Klejsmit, Jr., appeared to request an extension of
sewer laterals on Flintlock Trail. This matter was deferred
to next meeting to resolve drainage problem on lot and sewer
assessment policy. Sewers will be offered to Mr. Klejsmit
by the City after problems are resolved.
• Mr. Gerlach appeared regarding sewering Hi -View Acres. The
Committee noted that Hi -View Acres is within the sewer boundary ,
but at this time there is no definite timetable to offer sewers
to this area.
The Committee discussed the cleaning of McShane wet well. It
is a hazardous job without proper equipment. Mr. Kibbe discussed
this in detail.
The Committee reviewed the minutes of the previous meeting.
The Committee reviewed Sewer Treatment Plan Operator report.
The Committee reviewed the draft of the proposed amended Special
Assessment Policy with recommended changes submitted by Frank
Ruekert. The Committee further amended the policy as follows:
Add to Number 3: (g) When a sewer passes a large tract of land
that would be eligible for deferment, the homesite will be
assessed for the number of feet that would be required on the
minimum width required by zoning. (h) Lots which do not meet
the above criteria will be handled on an individual basis; as
each special situation is decided, it will _become_ policy for
future decision of a similar nature. The following was added
to Number 4: Cost of sewer laterals will be assessed back to
each respective property for the entire expense. The following
change was also made: Costs for restoration of pavement should
be taken out of Non -assessable costs and put into Assessable
costs. Ald. Gaetzke moved to recommend to the Common Council
approval of the Revised Special Assessment Policy. Ald. Nilsson
seconded and the motion carried.
The Committee reviewed Mr. Harry Beilfuss' letter to the City
dated May 3, 1983. The response from the City Attorney was
given to Mr. Beilfuss who was present at the meeting.
The Committee discussed the City Assessor's report regarding
Assessed Valuation of Properties located in Sewer Area. Ald.
Gaetzke moved to Recommend to Council acceptance of the
Affidavit of Assessor dated July 19, 1983. Seconded by Ald.
Nilsson, motion carried.
The Committee deferred reviewing Sewer Usage Charges and Sewer
Connection Rates to a future meeting.
Mary,Anne Brunner failed to appear regarding North Shore Drive
Lift Station.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Frank DeAngelis