PSEM19830616PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 16, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:12 P.M. by Chairman Nilsson. Present were Committee member Aid. DeAngelis, Aldermen Dumke and Penovich, Building Inspector Lee, and Mayor Salentine. Aid. Gaetzke was absent. Others present as per attached list. Financial Consultant, Seegar Swanson, and Engineering Consultant, William Mielke, were also in attendance. Ruekert and Mielke recommended deferral of Sewer Assessment Policy to next meeting. The committee discussed a letter received from Harry Beilfuss, dated May 3, 1983. It was decided to send the letter to the City Attorney for an opinion on questions #1 and #2. Mayor Salentine answered the remaining questions. A letter from Attorney Lang regarding the Demshar easement was referred to the City Attorney and the Building Inspector. Mr. Mielke informed the committee that the plans for Bass Bay and Kurtze Lane have been approved by MMSD. They will be forwarded to the DNR. An answer should be received within 90 days. Mr. Swanson and Mr. Mielke discussed future sewer charges and possible ways of financing upcoming sewer projects. It could be done in three ways: 1) real estate taxes, 2) hook up fees, and 3) sewer usage. Bill Mielke reviewed the plans and maps on which our first year capital payment to MMSD are to be based. The Sewer Committee requested Mr. DeAngelis, City Assessor, to furnish the committee with the amount of assessed valuation of properties located on the sewer map. The City will continue to charge a fee for sewer hook-up on new construction. Marilyn Burns did not appear regarding her request for extension of sewers on Hillendale Drive. Mr. James Maher of Hillendale Drive requested, by letter, availability of sewers on Hillendale Drive. The Committee requests that the Sewer Utility Clerk write Mr. Maher indicating sewers would not be available for at least two (2) years. • There was a discussion regarding Outhouses in the City. Aid. Nilsson moved to recommend to the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee that an ordinance be adopted to amend Chapter 3 of the Municipal Code to idd the following state- ment: "It shall be illegal to have in outhouse on the property where the primary home is serviced )y Muskego Sewers". it was seconded by Aid. DeAngelis. The motion passed. Complaints have been received regarding the North Shore Lift Station. The Committee recomm{ended that Mr. Kibbe take corrective measures to rectify this situation. Mr. Kibbe informed the committee that water samples had been taken from Lake Lore and BluhmPond and they were at acceptable levels. The Committee acknowledged Elertson. This letter was for necessary action. I Meeting was adjourned. ca \ receipt )f a letter from Mr. referred to the Sewer Clerk Respectfully submitted, Aid. Frank DeAngelis Secretary Y7 �,e et- 6 •