PSEM19830217PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 17, 1983 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klenz at 7:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Member Tomczyk, Mayor Salentine, Treatment Plant Operator Kibbe and Mr. John Kronshage. Mr. Kronsage, Hillendale Dr., appeared at the meeting to advise the committee that he had not requested to be connected to the city's sewer system. He indicated that he felt the extension of main to his property was an unnecessary expense and that he felt he had no need for sewers. The committee suggested to Mr. Kronsage that he contact the Waukesha County Health Department and have them give him a letter stating his septic system is in good working condition. The committee reviewed and recommended Council approval of the proposed 1983 Sewer Utility Budget. The committee discussed the payment of funds for the Demshar property easement. It is their recommendation the charges for the easement be taken from the Sewer Utility Fund rather than from TIF District No. One. Mayor Salentine advised the committee regarding the status of the contract communities (FLOW) problems. • The committee discussed the Woods Road interceptor and the Bass Bay sewers. It was their recommendation to recommend the Council to direct the City Attorney to take the necessary action to acquire the Bass Bay sewer easements. Sewer Treatment Plant Operator, James, Kibbe, reported to the committee regarding the treatment plant. A discussion was held regarding the treatment ponds. Ruekert & Mielke will be invited to check on the ponds. The committee approved the attendance of Mr. Kibbe at a seminar regarding treatment of sludge sponsored by MMSD at a cost of $12.00. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and a discussion was held with residents of Freedom Acres (Indian Trail area). Mayor Salentine will contact the city's engineers regarding the possibility of using TV in the sewer lines in that area. The committee recommended to Common Council the purchase of a file cabinet for the Sewer Utility. The committee moved to recommend acceptance of manhole rehabilitation work, with exceptions noted. Ruekert and Mielke have advised Super Excavators as to which manholes must be re -worked. The meeting adjourned. 4P Respectfully submitted, Ralph Tomczyk, Sec' y RT/je