The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. by Chairman Klenz. Also
Present was Committee Member. Nilsson, Mayor Salentine, Ald. Dumke,
Building Inspector Lee, Treatment Plant Operator Kibbe and those persons
as per the attached list. Committee Member Tomczyk was absent.
Chairman Klenz reviewed the April 19, 1982 minutes of the committee and
the various alternatives suggested by City Engineer's Ruekert and
Mielke, to alleviate sewerage backups in the Freedom Acres Subdivision
area. Comments were heard from various homeowners regarding the
sewerage backup, as follows:
(1) Prevous MMSD studies of inflow were discussed.
(2) Construction of sewers in Freedom Acres was discussed.
(3) Time schedule of alarms on 12/2/82 was discussed by Mr. Kibbe.
(4) The fact that one of the main pumps at the McShane Plant was
broken was discussed.
(5) The possibility of purchasing additional pumps was discussed.
(6) Surface water flooding streets and running into manholes was
mentioned as a major cause of infiltration.
(7) The alternative types of plumbing that could be installed to solve
flooding were discussed.
Mr. James Kibbe will check the water level in various manholes to see
if there is proper water flow in the area.
Mr. Al Jacobus suggested the city install sump pumps in manholes where
there is infiltration.
Mr. Jerry Lee discussed his suggestion for basement plumbing changes
which would prevent basement flooding.
Mayor Salentine spoke regarding alternative plumbing systems installed
in the Pioneer Center Condominiums.
The committee is requesting that Ruekert and Mielke report to them
what affect, if any, hydraulic pressure would have if these homes
changed to a closed system as per Mr. Lee's drawing and specifications.
Chairman Klenz stated that he feels that the citizens should invest
in standpipes for their plumbing and the city will purchase additional
pumps to try to solve the backup problems.
Some of the citizens felt that DNR representatives should be present
at the meeting to hear about these problems.
Mayor Salentine gave a background explanation of the city's sewer dis-
40 cussions with the DNR and MMSD.
Mr. Kibbe stated that the pump which was not working has a 900 GPM
capacity. He stated that the portable pumps he was using and the one
pump at the McShane plant was pumping 140,000 GPH, or 2,333 GPM. Mr.
Kibbe recommends the purchase of three new 4" pumps to pump out of
manholes in flooded areas.
The committee is further requesting Ruckert and Mielke study flows
and recommend how many pumps should be purchased.
Mr. John Latimer, Independence Ct., questioned if the citizens did want
to alter their plumbing, what financial assistance would the city provide?
\Ald. Nilsson agreed to ask if the fire department would become involved
in emergency pumping from manholes when this flooding occurs.
Public Sewer Committee
December 6, 1982
Page 2.
Mr. Philip Majewski, Indian Trail, questioned if a fence could be
installed across the access road to prevent trespassers.
Regarding the request for an easement for Mr. Robert Weiher for sewer
connection on McShane Drive, Ald. Nilsson moved, seconded by Ald.
Klenz, to have the Building Inspection Department send a letter
regarding a connection on McShane Drive.
In regard to the Hillendale Drive sewer extension, the committee re-
viewed plans of Ruekert and Mielke and asked if the plans could be
revised to include the John Kronshage, Jr. property located at
W193 56817 Hillendale Dr. The plans are now to be submitted to the
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed by the committee.
Mayor Salentine reported on a meeting of the contract communities.
He advised the annual difference between MMSD charging on the flow
method vs. equalized value method would be $463,000.00 The City of
Muskego's share of a lawsuit would be approximately $21,000.00. The
eventual total cost could be more if the suit was lengthy. Ald.
Klenz moved to recommend Council approval of the expenditure of
$21,000.00. Seconded by Ald. Nilsson. Motion carried.
Chairman Klenz read a letter from Attorney Molter regarding the Pellman
sewer easement. Ald. Klenz to contact Attorney Molter regarding the
Chairman Klenz read a letter dated November 29, 1982, from Mr. Harry
Beilfuss regarding information he is interested in obtaining under
the Wisconsin Open Records Law. Chairman Klenz requested the Sewer
Utility Clerk to send Mr. Beilfuss a letter stating that all records
he is interested in are available for his inspection at city hall.
The committee acknowledged receipt of a check in the amount of $115.92
from Home Insurance Company for lightning damage at the McShane treatment
plant on October 20, 1982.
Mr. Estel Ellery questioned the status of sewers for the Bass Bay area
and the status of the MMSD negotiations.
The meeting adjourned at 10:08 P.M.
Rex u ubm' ted,
Ald. Richard Nil son, Sec'y.