PSEM19820729PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 29, 1982 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klenz at 7.30 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Tomczyk and Nilsson, Mayor Salentine, James Kibbe and Building Inspector Gerald Lee. Mr. Stan Potrykus appeared before the committee to discuss a sewage concern regarding Oak Meadows. Ald. Nilsson moved to authorize eighty nine (89) sewer connections to Mr. Stan Potrykus' subdivision (Oak Meadows). Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. Mr. Stanley Walters also attended the meeting to discuss with the committee hauling of holdings of septic systems and dumping it into the Muskego Sewer System. A discussion ensued regarding the monitoring of the additional dumping of water or sewage from holding tanks. Ald. Nilsson moved to have Mr. Walters dump into the holding tanks at the McShane plant on a trial basis to see if these dumpings will affect the sewage system, the trial basis will be for one month period. The Charge will remain as in the past. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. Mr. Ronald Rae appeared at the meeting to discuss his concerns of the proposed car wash he proposes to install at his service station. Inspector Lee questioned the gallonage use for this type of business. Mr. Rae responded that the units would fall under the maximum gallonage and the charge should be gauged at usage. Presently the charge is 21 units, the ordinance calls for 47j or $336.00 per year, $216.00 for car wash, $120.00 for business. Ald. Nilsson moved to recommend 41 units be allowed to hook into the system. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. Mr. Bostater and Mr. DeBack appeared at the meeting to ask for three sewer hook ups from Mr. Bostater be transferred to Mr. De Back. The questions arose who would be responsible for the assessment when it became due. The committee requested Mr. Bostater to supply pertinent information to the City Attorney to draft a resolution recognizing the transfer of land. (This could also be drafted by Reukert & Mielke with authorization from committee for a deferred assessment.) Mr. Richard Knudsen discussed with the committee a hook up to the Lembezeder sewer connection. Ald. Nilsson moved to have Gerry Lee correspond with the D.N.R. if it would be possible to extend the sewer extension to Hillendale Drive to Mr. Knudsens property. Seconded by Ald. Klenz. The motion passed with Ald. Tomczyk voting "no" Mr. Seegar Swanson reported to the committee the Bass Bay sewage system progress. Mr. Swanson stated at present Muskego qualified for a 75% grant for construction of an interceptor. The grant may be cut to a lesser amount as time passes without construction. Mr. Swanson discussed the possibility of the City building their own treatment plant.. He further suggested the committee contact the D.N.R. to approve the construction of the interceptor with the thought of also building the city's own treatment plant Providing the 208 Dlan is changed by thN Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission. Mr. Swanson discussed sewer charges: Utility Owes City $192,192 Current Year Transfer less earnings $62,671 Non TIF Portion of $1,500,000 Interceptor Issue - 1982 $76,202 Non TIF Portion of $2,500,000 Treatment Plant Issue - 1983 $250,904 1981 User Revenues $422,314 1983 50% Increase $211,157 1984 50% increase $211,157 After reviewing the sewer utility debt, the committee felt the users fee should be,increased 50%. Ald. Klenz moved for an increase in sewer service charges from $1.00 to $k,.00 per unit. Seconded by Ald. Nilsson. Motion carried. The Committee reviewed the Sewer Budget for 1982. Aid. Tomczyk moved to adopt the budget. Seconded by Aid. Nilsson. The motion carried. The committee will send the budget to Reukert & Mielke for review and approval. After reviewing Mr. Kibbe's report, Aid. Tomczyk moved to have Reukert & Mielke cut their treatment plant inspections to once a month. Seconded by Aid. Nilsson. Motion carried. Building Inspector Lee advised the committee regarding the Demshar hook up. Mr. Demshar has not yet agreed to hook up to sewers. After reviewing the length of time involved, Aid. Nilsson moved to have the City Attorney start condemnation proceedings. Seconded by Aid. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The committee reviewed the concerns of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pellmann 1. The Pellmans object to any assessment being placed on Kurtze Lane, deferred or not. The Mayor will check with Attorney Molter for future connection charges. 2. The Pellmans would be assessed for Woods Road and sewer assessment for cul de sac, and no road assessment in exchange for necessary land for c,ul de sac. 3. Attorney to note two other families have existing easements on 20 ft. right of way. 4. Mr, and Mrs. Pellman want assurance the storm sewer ends at the lake. Aid. Tomczyk moved the committee approve the minutes and changes be submitted to Attorney Molter for drafting. Seconded by Aid. Nilsson. Motion carried. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The committee discussed Mr. Matthes problem on Bellview Dr. and they agreed to have Building Inspector Lee contact Harold Elder and advise him of the committees recommendations. Aid. Nilsson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aid. Klenz. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:12 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Aid, Ralph Tomczyk, Sec'y 01 RT/jh