PSEM19820527PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • C] Ll MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 271 1982 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Klenz at 7:30 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Nilsson and Tomczyk, Mayor Salentine, Treatment Plant Operator, James Kibbe, and those persons as per the attached sheet. The committee discussed the Demshar forced hookup in the Lake Denoon area. Also discussed by the committee was the alleged encroachment b y the Demshars' upon the Schuler property and a tool shed which has been allegedly placed on the Schuler property. A citation has been issued to the Demshar for the construction of the tool shed without a Building Permit. Ald. Nilsson moved to have a letter sent to the Waukesha County Health Department regard in g their failure to connect into the city's sewer system. Seconded by Aid. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The committee next discussed the proposed development of Scott Krause which is to be served by a holding tank. Chairman Klenz read a communication from Corporation Counsel, Attorney August Fabyan. The committee noted that the proposed holding tank had been approved by the Public Sewer Committee in 1977. The committee reaffirmed the previous decision to cooperate with the decisions of the past committee. The proposed holding tank system would not go to the northeast treatment plant. Sewer Treatment Plant Operator, James Kibbe, explained to those present how the new alarm system is to operate and when the two pump system would go into operation. Considerable discussion followed his explanation. Chairman Klenz read a communication from Ruekert & Mielke advising the committee of their recommendations and possible costs. Mr. Kibbe stated that the bypassing henceforth would only be pumped on city property. Building Inspector Lee reported to the committee regarding the efforts that have been taken in regard to having the John Mahoney residence connected to the city's sewer system. Aid. Nilsson moved to recommend Council approval of refunding over- charges for forced hookups in recent years. In accordance with State Statutes only six percent can be charged and the city has been charging eight (8%) percent. Building Inspector Lee also advised the committee of the study of illegal hookups for sump pumps to the sewer system. Aid. Tomczyk moved to recommend Council approval of the hiring of Gerald Heinz as an inspector to check on work done by Super Excavators on the manhold rehabilitation project. Seconded by Aid. Nilsson. Motion carried. James Kibbe reported to the Sewer Committee in regard to the alarm system, air filters, repairing of air leaks at the blower building and the calibration of the flow recorder. The committee complimented Mr. Kibbe on the work he had done. Aid. Tomczyk moved to have the inspections by Ruekert & Mielke reduced to twice monthly. Seconded by Aid. Nilsson. Motion carried. The committee discussed the acquiring of easements for sewer instal- lation on Kurtze and Bay Lane. Aid. Tomczyk moved to approve the plans as submitted by Ruekert & Mielke. Seconded by Aid. Nilsson. Motion carried. Chairman Klenz advised the committee on the status of negotiations with Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage Commission. Public Sewer Committee May 27, 1982 Page 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The committee reviewed the vouchers for April and May, 1982. a Mr. Richards Knudsen advised the committee of problems he is having with his septic system ata property his owns on Hillendale Dr. He requested the sewers be extended to serve his property. Ald. Tomczyk was directed to check with the neighbors as to their pre- ference. Ald. Nilsson moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Ralph Tomczyk, Sec'y. • �i RT/je