. MINUTES 0! EWING MILD DBCgum 11, 1081
The meeting was called to order at 1:15 P.M. by Chairman Salentine.
Also present was Committee Member Klenz, Deputy Inspector Wayne
Jensen and those persons as per the attached list. Ald. Dumke
arrived at 1:30 P.M.
�• Mr. Gorecki appeared on behalf of Mr. Meinerz regarding the proposed
development east of Mystic Drive. Mr. Gorecki preferred to have
the road extend down the center of the property and he would be
willing to grant the city the 60, easement through the center of the
property and an approximate 140, easement on the east end of the north
of the subdivision. Ald. Salentine moved that either location of the
easement is acceptable as long as any additional cost of having the
easement located anywhere other than the north property line be
borne by Mr. Meinerz. Cost of locating the easement further south to
be determined at a later date.
St. Paul's parsonage sewer easement was discussed. Ald. Slenz moved
to approve a lateral to serve the proposed parsonage off of Saroyan
Drive. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Notion carried.
The State Plumbing Code relating to outhouses was reviewed with
Inspector Jensen. It was Mr.•Jensen's opinion that these matters fall
under the jurisdiction of the county sanitarian and that if there was
no indoor_pinobing to a property that the property would not have to
be hooked up to sewers. The committee noted that Chapter 145 of the
State Statutes covers this matter.
A letter from S$WRPC was read indicating they felt a gravity flow
sewer interceptor may be a better alternative than the originally
proposed gravity/forced main system.
A communication from Attorney Dale Arens, dated 12/4/81, was read
and placed on file.
The Bass Bay sewer proposal was discussed with the various citizens
present. Mr. and Mrs. Pellman suggested relocating the easement in the
area of gurtze Lane where it meets Pellman Lane. The committee
agreed to have Ruekert & Mielke look at the proposed easement change
and felt it may be a better plan. The Pellmans' also indicated they
feel they should not have an assessment/for Hurtze Lane and another
assessment on Woods Road, east of surtze,Lane if the Woods Road
interceptor is installed fora small 8-acre parcel. This would create
a total front footage assessment of,about 2200 feet of sewers and
1,000 feet of roads. The committee advised•them that their concerns
would be brought up in future discussions on the Bass Bay sewers.
The meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert alenz, Seely.
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