PSEM19811116PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 16, 1981 -16 The meeting was called to order at 9:35 P.M. by Chairman Salentine following the public hearing on the Woods Road Interceptor. Also present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Dumke, Klenz and Radtke, James Kibbe, Bill Mielke, Fred Ruekert and Atty. Dale Arenz. Mr. Richard Fahning, representing his mother, Florence!Fahning, appeared to discuss with the committee the matter relating to sewer use charges on a duplex located at W143 56802 Tess Corners Dr. The committee advised Mr. Fahning that the City had failed to recognize the building as a duplex and, therefore, a sewer usage charge for single family has been collected ever since municipal sewers were available. Mr. Fanning indicated that the property has only been used by one family for the last five years. It was explained that a vacant home is still required to pay the sewer usage charge. The committee noted that the total cost for the one unit of the duplex from 1973 to 1981 would amount to $744.00. It has been the practice of the City to collect 50% of the missed charges. Ald. Klenz moved to recommend to the Common Council that the duplex owned,by Mrs. Fahning be assessed $420.00 for sewer usage charges, which includes full charges for 1981. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. The Demshar forced hookup was briefly discussed. Atty. Arenz stated that he felt the cost of acquiring the necessary easement would have to be borne by the City. If such easement is acquired 40 through eminent domain, he explained the options available: (1) let property owner get his own easement, (2) condemnation of land necessary for the easement. Mayor Gottfried felt that under the City's forced hookup policy we could take whatever action is necessary to get sewers to the property line and charge the owner all costs. Mayor Gottfried will check with Atty. Molter as to the legality of the above and will also check with Seegar Swanson on the possible use of TIF monies to cover these costs. The committee reviewed the request for payment of $2,834.00 to cover additional costs in the city's suit with Milwaukee Metro. Mr. Bill Mielke advised the committee that in his opinion Muskego would gain a great deal by continuing to be a part of the liti- gation. He indicated that the parties involved are nearing a compromise on this matter. Mr. Mielke also indicated that the City could gain or lose millions of dollars depending on the outcome of the litigation. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to the Common Council payment of $2,834.00 as Muskego's share of the cost of the litigation and that TIF monies be used. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. The Bass Bay sewers were discussed by Mr. Mielke. Sewer plans will be left with the committee to review and determine what easements are necessary. It was the committee's decision to reaffirm their previous position regarding the sewering of the -- Bass Bay area. It was also the decision of the committee that in the event Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District facilities are not available, the Bass Bay area could be connected to the northwest treatment plant. Several citizens in the audience reviewed the plans during the meeting. Mr. Bill Mielke reviewed with the committee the progress that is being made in the City's efforts to have the Woods Road inter- ceptor completed prior to December 31, 1983. Atty. Arenz advised the committee that Milwaukee Metro has indicated that the Franklin-Muskego interceptor would not be completed until 1989, unless the City agreed to contract terms suggested by Metro. He indicated that it was very likely litigation would be required in this matter. Mr. Mielke indicated that he would provide the committee with a list of things which need to be done so the City can continue with its plans to construct the inter- ceptor as well as the Bass Bay sewers. Page Two Public Sewer Committee November 16, 1981 i The committee reviewed the following bids for the Mahoney forced hookup: John Lang - $6,485.00 Lindner Bros. - $6,675.00 Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to the Common Council 0' acceptance of the low bid of $6,485.00 from John Lang. Second by Ald. Klenz. Motion carried. Ald. Salentine suggested that $25,000 be included in the TIF programs to cover unknown sewer related improvements in the Lake Denoon area. Minutes of the previous meeting of October 19th were reviewed and placed on file. The meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Robert Klenz, Secy. jm n LJ