PSEM19811019PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 19, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 8 03'p.M. by Chairman Salentine. presenttee mbers umkaseperdtheeattachedFrank Ruekert list, (• Mr. Frank Ruekert of Ruekert and Mielke, discussed with the committee the plans for sewer installation in Kurtze Lane and the timetable involved. He stated that if everything proceeds fairly quickly that hewers could be constructed by late 1982. Delivery of the lift etations could be approximately eight months and they cannot be erdea'%d until the low bid has been determined. Other options include Ilia ;Ratalling sewers in 1983 and 1984 when the Woods Road interceptor it ihstalled, and (2) installing sewers in 1982 at the same time Igkyrt.ae Lane is reconstructed, however, not making them operational (wAiich. would save approximately $75,000.00 in costs). Aid. Dumke thwtdwvuldhave assureRuekert theirand installationias soonrasplans possibleBass Bay with the t k1 q%k&r%tgadiag, however, that they not be operational until the Woods WOOLd 1.a.terceptor has been completed. Seconded by Aid. Klenz. Motion orprrYed . The committee discussed with Mr. Chester Nygren the sewer usage bill lie received for a duplex owned by him on Tess Corners Drive. The • bill sent to Mr. Nygren amounted to one-half of the total charges from the time the duplex was connected to the city's sewage system through 1981. The bill resulted from the failure of the city tea chargr. the property owned by Mr. Nygren as a duplex. Mr. Nygren indicated that since he and his wife separated and each owned ono -hall of the building until 1978 he did not feel he should be responsibla for her share. Aid. Salentine moved to recommend to the Common Council that the sum of $240.00 ($48.00 for the years 1978, 1979 and 1960 and $96.00 for 1981) be accepted as payment in full for sewer usage charges from Mr. Nygren. Seconded by Aid. Klenz. Motion carried. Mr. Scott Krause appeared at the meeting to discuss his holding tank request for a five -parcel residential development (Country Club 'Gales) An opinion from the city attorney was read regarding what precedents the city might be setting if they create a separate sewerage district for this five -parcel development. It was generally agreed 'that it the city gave its approval of the creation of a separate sewek•A:A'@ district the city and county's present holding tank polity would tqt become involved. The committee noted that Mr. Krause has been attempting to get this development request approved for �EVeTiil vcd years and this appears to be the final problem which Itrust be r�wul if Country Club Oaks is to receive final city approval. The scitte directed the city attorney to advise them how a separate sewere district could be established. It was agreed by the members 01 the committee that this action should not be considered as settiuK a precedent since the Country Club Oaks development and the r'egVite t that it be served by a holding tank was made prior to the eitist"iAW city and county holding tank regulations. The committee discussed the use of the McShane treatment fac4l4t* for the dumping of holding tank effluent. Mr. Stanley Wti1.t@Y�., '"o was present at the meeting, indicated that he remove8 6 t%ygo" 0•1609 and 60,000 gallons of sludge a year from the McShane Plhht iik "re,EiArn for the privilege of dumping holding tank effluent into the system. After considerable discussion the committee agreed that iE Wgblil be in the best interest of the city to continue the exchange 01&fi with Mr. Walters. All other haulers will be charge .02 cents per galldn, All charges will be made as if full loads were dumped. It was also agreed that the use of the -McShane plant shall be for Muskego's holding tank effluent treatmentplantoperator. Billingwilleoefiled willbeonaquarterly basis. Public Sewer Committee October 19, 1981 Page 2. Mr. Alvin Schaefer was present at the meeting to discuss his sewer assessment deferment. The Schaefers are requesting to have their ke new 10-year deferment commence in 1979 rather than 1981 thereby eliminating two year's interest at six percent (6%). Since the additional two-year deferment plan had been approved by the Common Council only they can rescind that action and make the new deferment plan retroactive to October, 1979. Ald. Klenz moved to recommend to the Common Council that they approve a sewer deferment assessment plan for the Schaefer property retroactive to October, 1979 and that the two year's interest at six percent (6%) be waived. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried. The committee discussed the question of whether or not summer cottages in the Lake Denoon area should be permitted to continue the use of outhouses or whether or not they should be required to connect to the city's sewage system. Action was deferred until the city ordinances regarding this matter can be reviewed by the committee. Mr. Gus Saites appeared at the meeting to discuss possible connection of a lateral into a sewer main on S.T.H. 24 on the Small property. The lateral would be for a 7-acre planned unit development located west of Heritage Church on College Avenue. Mr. Saites was advised to discuss with the DNR or SEWRPC whether or not such a lateral would be controlled under the present moratorium which prohibits the extension of the sewer main. Mayor Gottfried updated the committee on present negotiations with MMSD. Ald. Salentine reported on He has been advised by the to rebid the project since entine moved to recommend Mahoney forced hookup be r be -authorized to rebid the carried. the status of the Mahoney forced hookup. city attorney that it will be necessary the cost exceeds $5,000.00. Ald. Sal- to the Common Council that all bids for the ajected and that the Building Inspector project. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion The Sewer Treatment Plant Operator's Report was reviewed and placed on file. Minutes of the meeting held 9/10/81 were reviewed and placed on file. The committee reviewed the 1981 Annual Revenues and Expenses. It was their decision that $8.00 per month sewer usage charge would not have to be increased for the year 1982. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to Common Council approval of monthly payments for sewer usage charges to Tudor Oaks, payable in 19. advance. Seconded by Ald. Klenz. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10.47 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Robert Klenz, Sec'y. 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