The meeting was called to order by Chairman Salentine at 7:05 P.M.
Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Klenz. Also present
were Aldermen Radtke and Steinberg, Mayor Gottfried, Building
Inspector Lee. Mr. Bill Mielke and Mr Fred Ruekert of the city s
consulting engineering firm were also presentas well as several inter-
ested citizens
Bill Mielke and Fred Ruekert gave a brief history of the progress of
Muskego's sewage treatment needs. They also reviewed several alternate
plans regarding the interceptor which will connect the northwest and
northeast treatment plants.
A brief recess was called by Chairman Salentine and the committee
reconvened at 8:35 P.M. in the conference room.
The committee considered the matter of sewer usage charges for
Chester Nygren, W144 56744 Tess Corners Drive, since it has been
determined that Mr. Nygren owned a duplex for which only a single
sewer service charge was billed to him. Ald. Salentine moved to
• charge Mr. Nygren as per the policy that had been established pre-
viously by the Sewer Committee which is 50 percent from the date of
connection through December 31, 1980 and the full amount for 1981.
Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried.
A proposal from Zidar Plumbing for an additional $850,00 to complete
the forced hook-up of the Mahoney sewer at S106 W20503 North Shore
Drive was reviewed. Since this would increase the total amount to
over $5,000.00, the committee will check with the city attorney to
determine if the Sewer Committee can authorize the total proposal
for the forced hook-up.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Robert Klenz