The meeting was called to order at 8:02 P.M. by Chairman
Salentine. Also present were Committee Members Dumke and
Klenz, Mayor Gottfried, Ald. Knudsen, Building Inspector Lee,
Jim Kibbe and those persons on the attached list.
7 Ak The committee reviewed the two bids received for the Mahoney
forced hook-up - Zidar,$4,895 and Lindner Bros, $6,245.
Ald Dumke moved to accept the low bid of $4,895. Seconded
by Ald. Salentine, motion carried.
The committee discussed the Demshar hook-up, noting that the
present system has been condemned by the County Health Dept.
Condemnation of land belonging to Mr. Schuler or Mr. Dixon may
be necessary to force hook-up. It was questioned as to whether
or not Demshar has a legal access to sewers. If not, a holding
tank is the next best possibility. Ald. Dumke moved to take
whatever action necessary by the City to secure the necessary
easements for forced hook-up with all such costs to be paid
by Mr. Demshar. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, motion carried.
Ms. Holly Ksobiech appeared to discuss a questionable descrip-
tion of a sewer easement at the end of Lochcrest Blvd. The
Ksobiech's have started construction of earaee near or on a
possible easement. Such easement is possibly described in error
4P and should be far enough from the building. Aid. Salentine
moved to request Ruekert & Mielke to re -describe the existing
easement to conform to the actual sewer location. Seconded by
Ald. Dumke, motion carried. Building Inspector Lee will draft
an agreement with the Ksobiech's regarding the changes.
Mr. and Mrs. Obremski and Mr. and Mrs. Baas appeared to discuss
their sewer situation on North Shore Drive A letter dated
January 25, 1979 was read and acknowledged.
Mr. Robert Baas appeared to discuss his land in New Berlin,
north of College at Lentini. He requested sewer consideration
from Muskego at some future date when the moratorium is lifted.
Mr. Baas was told of our existing and possible future problems
and not given much encouragement.
Mr. Kibbe reported on holding tank dumping and stated it was
minimal at this time. Rates for dumping holding tanks were
discussed. It was pointed out that many of our sewer service
costs are not born by holding tank dumping and yet our sewer
plants musttreat that sewerage the same as for sewer users. Mr.
Kibbe will check on the volume of dumping and report at the
next meeting.
Sewer plant and Lagoon Performance reports were reviewed and
Lake Denoon flow was also discussed. This flow is well below
the estimates.
Ald Salentine reported receiving a complaint from homeowners
near the Lake Denoon access and pumping station regarding
resident parking, and Mayor Gottfried will check the actual
easement for the property.
Mayor Gottfried reported on the status of the City of Muskego
sewers in relationship to Milwaukee Metro. Discussion by
committee followed.
Ald. Klenz moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Klenz, Secretary
Public Sewer Committee