The meeting was called to order at 8 05 P.M by Chairman Salentine
Also present were Committee Member Klenz, Mayor Gottfried, James Kibbe,
Gerald Lee and Ald Knudsen Committee Member Dumke arrived at 8 25 PM
Also present were those persons as per the attached list
The committee discussed deferred sewer assessments as they relate to
interest rates and the terms of assessment. Questions arose from
several of the persons present regarding the wording of Resolution
#124-72 (resolution deferring special assessments against farm lands)
regarding the charging of one year's interest if assessment is not paid
and land is undeveloped in ten years. Mayor Gottfried to check the
final Resolution #124-72 and mail a copy to Mrs Kohne.
Following considerable discussion the committee recommended the
following to the Finance Committee
1) A second 10-year deferred assessment be granted on a per parcel
basis as they expire in 1981 and possibly in 1982. The intention
being to encourage the granting of similar deferments as assessments
• expire in the future.
2). One year's interest be assessed against all initial 10-year
deferred assessments as they become due. The rate to be determined by
the Finance Committee and the Common Council.
3). A new rate of interest be established for the second 10 year's
deferred assessment which would be more in line with present interest
The committee discussed proposed sewer installation in Kurtze Lane.
Mayor Gottfried advised a letter has been sent to Mrs. Bartolf, Mr.
David Ludwig and Mrs. Judy Strampe advising them of the city's
appraisal and of their option for a second appraisal within 60 days.
The committee discussed whether or not the proposed sewers to be
installed in Kurtze Lane should be connected to the city's existing
northwest plant. Aid. Dumke moved to recommend to Common Council
that any sewers that are installed in the relocated Kurtze Lane
shall be made operational. Seconded by Aid. Klenz. Motion carried.
The committee reviewed with Mr. Scott Krause the difficulty he is
having getting approval for a holding tank to serve a five -lot
•subdivision approved by the Common Council. The committee reaffirmed
its decision of April 13, 1981 meeting in which the city agreed to
accept the holding tank for Mr Kraus's five -lot subdivision. Mr.
Krause is to work directly with the Waukesha County Health Department
on this matter.
The committee, discussed the matter of accepting septic tank wastes
at the city's sewage treatment plants. Mr. Tom Renner of Ruekert &
Mielke has recommended that the city not accept septic tank waste
since there is the possibility of overloading the system resulting
in the buildup of sludge. Septic wastes average 30 times stronger
BOD (biological oxygen demand) and 45 times higher in suspended solids
as regular sewage.
Aid. Dumke moved to disallow any future dumping of septic tank wastes
•in the city's two treatment plants Seconded by Aid Salentine
Motion carried. Stan Walters Septic Service will be notified of this
decision The committee agreed that a fee will be charged for the
dumping of Muskego holding tank waste. Treatment Plant Operator, James
Kibbe, will determine the rates being charged by Milwaukee and Waukesha.
•Those rates will be charged by the city until further review by the
Sewer Committee
Public Sewer Committee
June 8, 1981 - Page 2. i
A communication dated 5/22/81 from Mr Tom Renner of Ruekert & Mielke
was reviewed with Mr. Kibbe. Corrections of existing northeast
plant deficiencies are being taken care of. The committee will again
review the matter at the next meeting.
The committee reviewed the matter of the Vesbach alarm system due to
recent problems in notifying Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Kibbe
when the alarm goes on.It was the committee's recommendation to have
the Safety Committee discuss with Chief Scholz the Police Department
Telecommunicator's responsibility in this matter and what the present
policy is regarding the handling of the sewer alarm system.
Building Inspector Lee advised the committee that Mr. John Mahoney,
S106 W20503 North Shore Drive, has failed to connect into the city s
municipal sewer system. Ald. Dumke moved to recommend to the Common
Council that action be taken to connect Mr. Mahoney to the city's
sewer system through the forced hookup process.
A copy of a communication from Kurt Bauer of SEWRPC directed to Jay
Hockmuth of the DNR regarding Muskego's role in developing plans
for the Muskego/Franklin interceptor, dated 5/21/81, was reviewed •
by the committee.
A communication dated 6/1/81 from Mayor Fadrow of the City of Franklin
was discussed. A special meeting of the coordinating committee
directing the lawsuit against Milwaukee Metro will be held on Tuesday,
June 16, 1981, at 3:30 P M at the West Allis City Hall. An additional
$5,000.00 is being requested from each community involved. Ald. Klenz
moved to recommend to the Finance Committee an additional expenditure
of $5,000.00 be approved. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Robert Klenz, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee