The meeting was called to order at 8:02 P.M. by Chairman Salentine
Also present were Committee Members Dumke and Klenz, Mayor Gottfried,
Ald Knudsen, Building Inspector Lee and those persons as per the
attached list. Sewer Treatment Plant Operator Kibbe arrived at 8 12 P.M
Ald Klenz was elected as Secretary of the Committee.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file
after being amended to indicate that the building owned by Ellsworth
Koch, W191 S-7691 Racine Avenue, should be gharged $96 00 per year
for sewer usage charges.
Chairman Salentine reported that Ruekert & Mielke have a flow meter
which the city can use on a temporary basis to determine whether or
not the city is paying more for the homes being served by public
sewer on S Denoow Road than they should He explained that at the
time the agreement with the Tgwn of Norway Sewer District was
executed the city agreed to pay on the basis of 300 gallons per
day per household It is the city's feeling that is in excess of
the actual flow
The committee discussed the removal of sludge at the northeast plant
Mr Kibbe advised the committee that approximately 30,000 gallons
of sludge per week would have to be removed until the problems
relating to excessive sludge has been cleared up Once the problem
has been resolved he estimated that approximately 15,000 gallons
per week would have to be removed on a regular basis Stanley
Walters, who presently removes sludge as a result of an agreement
between himself and the city, indicated that at the present time
he would be unable to haul that many gallons of sludge per week
and still take care of his regular customers He indicated his
truck has a capacity of 2500 gallons. The committee discussed at
length where the sludge could be deposited and agreed that a program
would have to be created using whatever facilities are available.
(city -owned land, private farm lands, private haulers)
Mr Kibbe advised the committee that 55,000 gallons per month of
liquid from holding tanks and 9,500 gallons per month of liquids
from septic tanks within the city are presently being deposited
in the ponds by Stanley Walter and Senfts. Mr. Walters indicated
that he has not used the treatment plant to dump septic tank liquid
in over a month. The committee agreed tr cor.tir-e the policy
regarding removal of sludge and the dumping of Liquids in the north-
east treatment plant on a temporary basis until a regular regimen
can be worked -out with the help of Ruekert & Mielke's office.
The committee discussed at length the date which is required by
the State and which is needed in order for the committee to deter-
mine the effectiveness of the treatment plant's operation. The
city's consulting engineers will be requested to work with Mr. Kibbe
to develop the necessary reporting sheets.
The committee discussed the possibility of proposed sewer instal-
lation in Kurtze Lane and an estimated cost of same. The committee
has bee^ aJvi_cgci.. *hat $75 000 could be saved if sewers were not
installed until metro arrived (1985 or later) due to the fact that
the pumping station and forced main would not be necessary. It
was generallv agreed that sewers were desperately needed in the area
and that the time to install them would be when Kurtze Lane is
constructed Ald. Dumke moved that it is the committee's intent to
recommend installation of sewers in Kurtze Lane when the road is
reconstructed. Seconded by Ald Klenz. Motion carried. Ald Dumke
will contact property owners that would be involved regarding this
matter .
Public Sewer Committee
May 11, 1981 - Page 2.
The committee discussed the matter of deferred assessments. It
was noted that most of the deferred assessments granted by the city
will be placed on the 1982 tax roll unless further action is taken
by the Council. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to determine
from the city attorney whether or not additional deferred assessment
is possible.
It was the committee's feeling that because future development
of vacant lands is somewhat questionable an additional deferred
assessment should be considered. They also felt that the interest
rate would have to be increased since the cost of the sewer utility
to borrow money has also increased. Further discussion and the
possibility of developing a new policy will be considered at the
next sewer committee meeting in June.
The committee discussed the request of Tudor Oaks that they be
permitted to pay their sewer usage charge on a monthly basis.
Discussion centered around the reasons they want to pay monthly and
whether or not there is a conflict with a city ordinance. Because
a decision is not necessary immediately the matter will be discussed
at a future meeting. Mayor Gottfried is to contact Mr. Mortimore
as to their request.
Mayor Gottfried and Building Inspector Lee discussed the progress
of the Inflow and Infiltration Program. They indicated that an
analysis of the cost of rehabilitation must be in the hands of the
DNR by July 30, 1981. Building Inspector Lee indicated that none
of the violations of plumbing in the city's residences suggested
by the Milwaukee Metro have been found.
Building Inspector Lee briefed the committee regarding the proposed
interceptor between the northeast and northwest plants and its
proposed route.
The city's involvement with Scott Krause's request for a holding
tank was discussed. Questions as to the past city commitments arose
and Mayor Gottfried will research minutes of past meetings.
L- A
Mr. Gorecki, owner of lands directly south of Bay Lawn Subdivision,
discussed with the committee the possibility of developing two lots
adjacent to Dorothy Drive and whether or not connection to the manhole
would be possible. The committee indicated that there should be no
problem, however, he was directed to contact the Plan Commission
regarding the land divisions.
Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Klenz. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Robert Klenz, Sec'y. 04
Public Sewer Committee