PSEM198103230 • PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 23, 1981 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Salentine at 8 00 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Steinberg and Radtke, Mayor Gottfried, Ald. Knudsen, Building Inspector Lee, Mr. Lyman Wible of SEWRPC, Mr Scott Krause, William Mortimore and Orlo Zlensky. Mr. Lyman Wible of SEWRPC appeared at the meeting to provide the committee background information regarding the development of the original plan as well as SEWRPC's role in the development of the Wastewater Facilities Plan for Milwaukee County and surrounding communities He indicated that SEWRPC, in the development of the 208 Plan, endorsed the proposal that would require the development of a regional sewage disposal system. Since Milwaukee Metro had the largest system available as well as Lake Michigan to be used as an outflow facility the regional system would be developed around it. Mr. Wible explained to the committee that as a result of the demands of the DNR and the suit between the State of Illinois vs. the City of Milwaukee the facilities plan was created to vastly improve the quality of treatment of sewage of the entire metropolitan area. SEWRPC's role in this matter is established by the rules and regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency which requires them to approve of all requests for federal fundings. Their official designation is "Clearing House". Mr. Wible explained to the committee that SEWRPC's preference in the overall plan was to transport sewage from Muskego to Milwaukee by gravity, however, the planners for the Milwaukee Metro felt that a forced main would be more palatable to the federal government since it is much less expensive Mr. Wible reviewed with the committee the work involved in Task Order 45 which is the connection of Muskego's northeast.pumping station to a large interceptor on College Avenue. He indicated that as a result of a meeting between the City of Muskego, Milwaukee Metro, DNR and SEWRPC that hopefully Milwaukee Metro will agree to permit Muskego to plan, design and construct the forced main with Metropolitan paying for that share of the forced main located in Milwaukee County It was pointed out that one of the reasons time was of the essence was because of the possible loss of 15 percent funding after September 30, 1981 However, because of time constraints it was generally agreed that neither Muskego or Mil- waukee will be able to meet the September date. Mr. Wible indicated that all agencies involved in wastewater management agree that the northwest treatment plant in Muskego must be abandoned In answer to a question from one of the committee members he indicated that neither the EPA nor the DNR would permit inland lakes to become an outfall source for a sewage treatment plant and even if they did the standards would be so high that the costs of building the plant would be prohibitive. The Sewer Committee discussed at length whether or not the city should begin negotiations with Milwaukee Metro sewers. All members of the committee were presented with copies of the contract suggested by Milwaukee Metro. Chairman Salentine explained to the committee why he felt it was necessary to begin negotiations so that as we continue to discuss agreements with the State Department of Justice it can be shown that we are at least attempting to resolve our differences with Milwaukee Metro. He further pointed out that if we do begin negotiations it does not necessarily rule cut the possibility that the city would decide to build their own treatment facility. However, he indicated the likelihood of that happening is rather remote. Ald. Radtke moved to recommend to the Common Council that the committee be authorized to begin preliminary contract negotiations with Milwaukee Metro. Seconded by Ald Salentine. The motion carried with Ald. Steinberg voting "no". The committee agreed that the city should not completely abandon the possibility of eventually building its own sewage treatment plant The committee discussed Mr Anthony Demshar's request regarding his sewer usage charge. Ald Steinberg moved the city continue to charge Mr. Demshar the sewer service charge. The committee noted the city attorney had'not been contacted by Mr. Demshar's attorney. Seconded by Ald. Radtke. Motion carried The committee discussed the various deferred assessments in the city that are expiring in the near future. The committee determined that no action would be taken at this time, however, the matter will be discussed at a future meeting Letter from Scott Krause was read regarding holding tanks. The committee recommended that Mr Krause's letter, dated 3/23/81 be sent to the city attorney for review and recommendation. The Sewer Treatment Plant Operator's report for February, 1981, was read and placed on file. The cociunittee wishes to go on record as approving the decision of Mr Kibbe to have the Town of Norway's sewer technicians rather than Layne -Northwest conduct tests required by the state because of the difference in costs. Ald Salentine moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald Radtke. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11 10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Wayne Radtke, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee je {►J • •