The meeting was called to order by Chairman Salentine at 8:00 P.M.
Also present was Committee Member Radtke, Mayor Gottfried, Building
Inspector Lee, Mr. Estel Ellery, Mr. Donald Dixon and Mr. William
Mortimore. Committee Member Ald. Steinberg was absent.
Mr William Mortimore appeared at the meeting to request directions
on how to proceed in the development of property on McShane Dr
(Lake Brittany Add. #1) owned by his corporation. Mr. Mortimore
was advised to contact the DNR and SEWRPC to determine whether or
not the two existing 30,000 gallon holding tanks could be used.
Building Inspector Lee presented the following proposals received
for forced hookups in the Lake Denoon area:
ALVIN PLATZ - W199 S10622 North Shore Drive
Lindner Bros. $1,435
John Lang 1,325
DONALD DIXON - W198 S10857 Racine Avenue
Lindner Bros.
John Lang
GRAMLING ESTATE - W198 S10043 Racine Avenue
Lindner Bros. $2,375
John Lang 2,540
Joe DeBelak 3,726
JAMES ARRINGTON - W203 S10630 North Shore Drive
Lindner Bros
JOHN MAHONEY - S106 W20503 North Shore Drive
No Proposals
(Permit—laken out by McNeal —an 2/2/81)
Ald Radtke moved to recommend to Common Council the acceptance
of the low quotes submitted by John Lang to complete the forced
hookups on the P1atz and Dixon properties and the low quotes
submitted from Lindner Bros. for the Gramling Estate and
Arrington property. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried.
The committee discussed the agreement between the City of New
Berlin and the City of Muskego for payment of sewer usage charges
by residents in the Linnie Lac area. The committee agreed that
the City of New Berlin could charge their residents whatever
they saw fit as long as the City of Muskego is reimbursed in
accordance with the current agreement. Ald. Salentine moved to
recommend to Common Council approval of an agreement between the
City of Mus';ego and the City of New Berlin in which the changes
appear. Seconded by Ald Radtke. Motion carried.
Communication dated 1/28/81 from the Town of Norway was received
and placed on file The report attached to the letter indicated
the adjustment for the City of Muskego gallonage charges for the
year 1980 and showed a credit of $489.98 which will be deducted
from the first quarter billing for 1981.
Building Inspector Lee reported to the committee on the Infil-
tration Report prepared by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage
Disc:rict Mr. Bill Mielke of Ruekert & Mielke is preparing a
response to the report in behalf of the City of Muskego.
The minutes of the previous meeting held 1/12/81 were reviewed and
placed on file
Ald Salentine moved to adjourn Seconded by Ald. Radtke. Motion
carried The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.