The meeting was called to order by Chairman Salentine at 8:05 P.M.
Also present were Committee Members Steinberg and Radtke, Building
Inspector Gerald Lee and those persons as per the attached list.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and amended to
include that Harold DeBack and Julius Caesar had requested a portion
of the 103 hookups.
The Sewer Committee is planning a tour of sewer facilites on Tuesday,
October 28, 1980 at 3:30 P.M.
A communication was read from Mr. Anthony Demshar stating he would not
be able to attend the Sewer Committee meeting, however, his attorney
had sent a copy of his deed to the City Attorney. Mayor Gottfried
advised the committee that Mr. Demshar's attorney was advised that
the material which was sent was not adequate and that Mr. Demshar
should have a title search of his property made. Action was deferred
on this matter until the next meeting of the committee.
The committee reviewed the engineer's report on Richard Wittbrot's
• request for sewer service, dated 10/2/80. The report was acknowledged
with the committee agreeing that a decision must first be made on
the available 103 hookups.
Mayor Gottfried reported on the projected estimated cost of sewers
for the Bass Bay area. The estimated total costs would exceed
$750,000.00 of which approximately $200,000.00 would be assessable
leaving approximately $550,000.00 to be borne by the Sewer Utility.
He did not feel TIF would cover this amount because of lack of growth
in the area.
Financial Consultant Seegar Swanson who was present at the meeting
indicated he would like to analyze this matter. He stated the city
should make certain of the DNR's position that only the approximately
68 existing residences in the Bass Bay area could connect to the
sewer system. Mayor Gottfried indicated that a meeting with the State
Department of Justice would be held in the near future.
The committee discussed reservations for sewer connections in the Lake
Denoon area. The matter was deferred until the next committee meeting.
A communication dated 10/18/80 from Mr. Poland Haut was read. Mr.
Haut requested to be considered when allocation for the 103 available
connections are made.
A communication from Harold DeBack, dated 10/3/80, was read requesting
that his property in the area of Kelsey Dr. and Racine Ave. be con-
sidered in the 103 connections.
Mr. Stanley Potrykus appeared before the committee and suggested
that since he has received preliminary plat approval of his Oak
Meadows Estates 89 of the 103 lots have already been committed. Mayor
Gottfried advised the committee that the question of whether or not
the city must approve the final plat of Oak Meadows Estates might have
to be determined by the Court. The committee agreed to defer action
on this matter until its next meeting.
The committee reviewed Sewer Treatment Plant
report. The committee directed the Building
to check if the sludge could be deposited on
to the northeast plant and what procedure is
approval. -
Operator James Kibbe's
Inspection Department
city -owned land adjacent
needed to obtain DNR
• Public Sewer Committee
October 20, 1980
Peron i '
Mr. Donald Dixon appeared at the meeting to question whether or not
his sewer connection charge could be deferred. Mr. Lee advised the
Sewer Committee does have the authority to grant Mr. Dixon's request
if the proper quotes were received,. Mr. Dixon was advised to obtain
quotes within the next two weeks so that his connection could be
included in the other forced hookups for the Lake Denoon area.
Mr. Don Erno appeared before the committee to request permission to
connect to the city sewer system on property he owns on North Shore
Drive. He indicated that his neighbor will grant him an easement
in order that the North Shore Dr. sewer can be reached. Ald. Sal-
entine moved to grant the request subject to approval of the city's
consulting engineers. Seconded by Ald. Radtke. Motion carried.
Mr. Ray Wallner appeared before the committee to request sewer
_ connections on property he owns on the north end of Parker Drive.
This property is outside the present sewer district area. Ald.
Salentine advised Mr. Wallner to appear at the next Plan Commission
meeting to make his request.
Mrs. Lorraine Posbrig appeared at the meeting to request sewer
•connections on property she owns which is also on the outside of
the current sewer district area. The committee acknowledged her
The committee discussed sewer usage charges.
Ald. Salentine moved for Council approval of a resolution which
would waive the sewer service charge for the following:
Spitzner's Flower Shop (charge to be for residence only)
Parkside Nursery (charge for residence only)
Muskego Restaurant Accessory Building
St. Paul's former church building
Boldt's Farm Store
Seconded by Ald. Radtke. Motion carried.
Ald. Salentine moved to recommend that Sec. 310 (5) (b) of the
city's Municipal Code be amended as follows:
Tavern/Restaurant 4 units -(with seating capacity of -
less than 50)
Tavern/Restaurant - 6 units (with seating capacity of -
more than 50)
Processing -
1z units
Seconded by
Ald. Steinberg.
Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Radtke, Sec'y.