The meeting was called to order by Chairman Salentine at 8:00 P.M.
Also present were Committee Members Radtke and Steinberg, Mayor
Gottfried and those persons as per the attached list.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
Discussion was held regarding the request from Michael Bruch that the
city reimbursement him $2,501.00 due to excessive costs involved in
his connection to the public sewer. Communication from Building
Inspector Lee, dated 8/27/80, was reviewed by the committee Ald.
Steinberg moved to deny the request Seconded by Ald. Radtke. Motion
The committee discussed with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Demshar their request
that the city aid them in acquiring the necessary easement in order
that their home can be served by municipal sewers. A letter from
Building Inspector Lee, dated 9/10/80, was reviewed by the committee.
Mr Demshar was advised that it would be to his advantage to acquire
the necessary easement because of the large costs which would be
involved in the event the city had to use condemnation procedures
Mr. Demshar was urged to have a title search made to determine what
limitations there were, if any, on the easement he is now using for
access to his property. He was also urged to attempt negotiating
once again with Mr. Schuler.
The committee acknowledged receipt of a communication from Richard
Wittbrot which included a request from five other landowners that
municipal sewers be extended to serve their properties. Mayor Gottfried
was directed to refer the matter to the city's consulting engineers,
Ruekert & Mielke, to determine the feasibility and estimated costs.
A lengthy discussion took place regarding the development of a policy
which would preserve sewer connections in the Denoon area for those
property owners who have been assessed as well as how the estimated
103 available hookups should be distributed Mr, Bostater, Mr. Ludwig,
Attorney for Julius Caesar, Mr. Harold DeBack and Mr Richard Wittbrot
entered into the discussion and presented their views It was suggested
that those individuals interested in being able to use all or a portion
of the available 103 hookups should make an official request along
with justification as to why they should receive municipal sewers
Discussion took place with Mr Estel Ellery regarding the possibility
of sewer installation in the Bass Bay area. Mayor Gottfried will
provide the committee members with an updated report from Mr. Ruekert's
office regarding the matter.
The committee acknowledge a communication from Scott Krause dated
9/6/80, requesting that his property be provided sewer service with
the Milwaukee Metropolitan sewer system. Same placed on file.
The committee reviewed a Step #1 grant amendment for the City of Muskego
interceptor sewers prepared by Ruekert & Mielke. The committee noted
that the amendment is required in order that additional items not
found in the original scope of the work can be incorporated.
The committee acknowledged receipt of a letter from Attorney Clayton
Cramer, dated 9/9/80, regarding the condemnation of the Vesbach property.
Ald. Steinberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Radtke. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Radtke, Sec'y.
WR/je Public Sewer Committee
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