PSEM198008180 0 PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 18, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Salentine at 8 05 P.M. Present were Committee Members Radtke and Steinberg. Also present were Mayor Gottfried, Mr. Bruch, Mr. Schuler, Mr. Art Bostater, Mr. William Mielke, Mr. John Mielke and Sewer Treatment Plant Operator James Kibbe. Mr. Michael Bruch appeared at the meeting to request a reimbursement in the amount of $2,501.00 for additional work required when he instal- led laterals to two of his -homes, Mr. Bruch indicated that the additonal cost was caused by the failure of the city to place a riser in front of his home. Ald. Steinberg moved to have the invoices as presented by Mr. Bruch reviewed by the city's consulting engineers and the Building Inspection Department, Seconded by Ald. Salentine, Motion carried The minutes of the July, 1980 meeting were reviewed Ald. Radtke moved to amend the 3rd paragraph by changing the word "recommended" to "directed", Seconded by Ald, Steinberg, Motion carried. Mr. Bill Mielke of the city's consulting engineering firm, Ruekert & Mielke, discussed at length the alternatives available to the city for the treatment of sewage. He indicated that the Environmental Impact Statement being prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency • will be ready in October, 1980, He further indicated that the EPA should be advised of the city's concern regarding the cost of partic- ipating in the separation of sewers and of the possibility of Milwaukee Metro imposing their will on the City of Muskego. He also stated that the preliminary environmental impact statement is being reviewed by members of his firm and they will keep the City of Muskego advised. Ruekert & Mielke will make recommendations to the city as to what plan of action should be taken and when they feel letters and resolutions by the Common Council would be in order, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Dixon and Mr, Steve Schuler appeared regarding Mr. Demshar's request for right-of-way necessary for sewer service to his home. Mayor Gottfried will check the easement on the Schuler property to determine whether or not it could be used for sewer purposes. Building Inspector Lee will report on the condition of the building to be served by public sewer. The committee agreed that a holding tank would not be suitable for this property and it should be served by public sewer for the benefit of Lake Denoon.. The committee reviewed a report from the Building Inspection Department advising them of the individuals who have not connected to municipal sewers in the Lake Denoon area, The committee agreed that Mayor Gottfried should determine what procedures have been followed in the past regarding forced hookups and it was decided that the same procedures be followed in the Lake Denoon area. The committee reviewed with James Kibbe and Bill Mielke the sewage treatment operator's report for the month of July. They indicated that the tests were made by a new employee of Layne -Northwest which might be the reason why the suspended solids were so high. Additional tests will be made by the city, James Kibbe will also contact Layne -Northwest periodically during the month in order to determine whether or not the results are satisfactory. Discussion also centered around the need for additional help to clean up the area and mow the grass, Mayor Gottfried will discuss this possib- ility with Supt, Bertram. A lengthy discussion was held by the committee in an effort to determine the most equitable method of reserving sewer connections in the Lake Denoon area for the property owners who have paid a sewer assessment as well as how to distribute the non -committed available connections Action was deferred until the next meeting. Gerald Lee's letter to Frank Ruekert, Jr., dated 7/28/80 regarding the procedures to follow when a developer should be credited or debited for oversized sewers needed was reviewed and placed on file. Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Steinberg. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 P.M Respectfully submitted, WR/je Ald. Wayne Radtke, Sec'y +1 0 0 f q bA a a N a 0 cd 3 -P H 0 P, 0P, nn a H 0 Cd off 0 �Q 0 cxx c P. c.� 0 3Q)3rIPI k r w m C Cd H Cd H Cd c c 0r-i .0 UJ H H H 3y H H H