PSEM19800512PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 12, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Salentine at 8:00 P M. Also present were Committee Members Radtke and Steinberg, Mayor Gottfried and Building Inspector Lee and the citizens indicated on the attached list. The committee agreed that it would be in the best interest of every- one to publish an agenda prior to each meeting. They also agreed that the time of the meeting would be 8:00 P.M. on the scheduled evening. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The committee reviewed the bids for the installation of sewers on North Shore Drive along with a communication frot Frank Ruekert, Jr. which showed what the assessments would be with or without the re- placement of the pavement. The committee noted that the Public Works Committee has decided to consider the reconstruction of North Shore Drive whether in 1980 or 1981. Ald. Steinberg moved to recommend to the Common Council that the low bid of D & K Construction Co. minus the lift of asphalt, in the amount of $21,158.75 be accepted. Seconded by Ald. Radtke. Motion carried. • The committee discussed with the landowners involved what their assessment would be based on that recommendation. They all agreed with the assessment and each signed a Waiver of Special Assessment Notice and Hearing. Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to the Common Council the adoption of Resolution #103-80. Seconded by Ald. Stein- berg. Motion carried. Mr Tony Demshar and his attorney appeared to request that the city aid them in acquiring the necessary easement so that they can be connected to the municipal sewers. The committee was advised that Mr. Demshar has been assessed for municipal sewers. Chairman Salentine moved to refer the matter to the City Attorney for recom- mendation. Seconded by Ald. Radtke. Motion carried. The committee reviewed a report dated March 31, 1980, which indicated the amount of sewage generated in the Lake Denoon District for the first quarter of 1980. The Sewer Treatment Plant Operator's Report for April, 1980 was received and placed on file. Mr. Kibbe advised the committee that the large amount of suspended solids in the lagoon was the result of heavy algae. He indicated that the situation has corrected itself. The committee discussed the request of Rock Contractors for the release of the balance of monies due them for the Denoon Project. It was pointed out that the city has been credited $200.00 for missing boots. Chairman Salentine indicated that one of the residents in the district had not received a load of gravel as promised. Ald. Steinberg moved to approve release of $4,000.00 to Rock Contractors for sewer work completed in the Lake Denoon area. Seconded by Ald. Radtke. Ald. Radtke moved to amend the release to $3,500.00. Seconded by Ald. Steinberg. Motion carried. The committee reviewed with Building Inspector Lee sewer service charges being levied against the businesses in Parkland Mall. It was noted that two retailers had been overcharged. The committee recommended that the Finance Committee consider refunding the over- charge. The committee also discussed what fee should be levied for those stores which do not have toilet facilities but do have water available to them. Ald. Radtke moved to recommend to the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee that they consider amending Chapter 310 Sec. 5 (b) of the city's Municipal Code to permit charging z unit where i► + Public Sewer Committee May 12, 1980 Page 2. toilet facilities are not available. Seconded by Ald. Steinberg. Motion carried. Chairman Salentine moved to charge Spurgeons • an additionalr'Yg, units for the beauty shop which is located within their store and to charge the theater five units ($240.00 for each theater, or a total of $480.00. Seconded by Ald Radtke. Motion carried. Mr. Kibbe advised the committee that Mr. William Frazierof Marlan Meadows Subdivision has questioned why he was charged a sewer service fee prior to his connection to the sewers. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to review the matter with Building Inspector Lee to determine the date sewers were available to him. Sewer Treatment Plant Operator, James Kibbe, advised the committee that within approximately a 30-day period, 40,000 gallons of effluent had been deposited into the McShane Plant by Walters Septic Service and at the same time 37,000 gallons of sludge had been spread by him. He further indicated that during the same period of time Harold Senft had deposited approximately 14,000 gallons and that he will be spreading sludge from the plant during the next few weeks. Mr. Kibbe indicated that it was his opinion that the city is benefit- ing from the arrangements with the two septic haulers and recommended the procedure be continued. Chairman Salentine moved to authorize Mr. Kibbe to continue to use the services of Walters and Senft at the McShane Plant on a one to one basis and on the honor system under his supervision. Seconded by Ald. Steinberg Motion carried. • The committee discussed at length the question of whether a cash bond or surety bond for holding tanks should be required. Mayor Gottfried was directed to provide each committee member with a copy of the holding tank ordinance and the agreement which must be executed by the owner. The City Attorney will also be contacted for his opinion on the matter. Mr. Scott Krause appeared to discuss with the committee his request that the city accept ownership of the holding tank which he would in- stall to serve five lots which he owns at the end of Groveway Lane. He indicated that if the city would agree to this proposal they would be responsible for the maintenance and therefore the County would consider it a part of the city's sewage system and would approve his request. Mr. Krause indicated he would pay the entire cost of the construction and the property owners would pay the cost of maintenance. Ald. Radtke moved to defer action on this matter until the next meeting of the committee in order that the new members of the committee can familiarize themselves with the problem. Mayor Gottfried reviewed with the committee the events leading up to the proposed changes in the boundaries of the Lake Denoon Sewer District. Mr. Harold DeBack discussed with the committee his reasons for supporting the change in boundaries. Mr Richard Wittbrot _r presented the committee with a petition signed by approximately 70 residents in the district who opposed any changes in the boundaries. He further indicated that if the boundaries were to be changed it t� should be done so by adding area and not by subtracting area Mr. Julius Caesar, Mr. Ludwig and Mr. Brodel also voiced their opposition to any changes in the district boundaries which would affect their property. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee of the options available to the committee. It was their decision to refer the question of whether or not the city should begin official negotiations with the Town of Norway to change the Lake Denoon Sewer District boundaries t o the Common Council without recommendation. Chairman Salentine offered committee members a tour of the area being considered for change. Jerry Lee advised the committee that he had received an estimate in the amount of $1,375,00 for the cost of bringing sewer and water to his lot line in the industrial park. Mr. Lee explained that when the lots in the industrial park are sold the city has always agreed to make available sewer and water to that particular lot. The question of whether or not the city would have to bid out the project will be submitted to the City Attorney for his opinion. Ald. Steinberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Wayne Radkte, Sec'y. Co�w.�,iJ -j A P14AL jd,,L� _3