PSEM19800414. PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 14, 1980 The meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present was Committee Member Salentine, Mayor Gottfried and those persons on the attached attendance sheet. Mayor Gottfried was requested by Chairman Dumke to be acting secretary. The Minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file after Building Inspector Lee reported to the committee the action which was being taken by the management of Tudor Oaks to correct the problem which is causing clear water to enter into the sanitary sewer. The committee discussed with several persons in attendance their concer over the possibility that septic tank haulers are illegally depositing effluent into the lagoons of the northwest treatment facility. Chairman Dumke stated that locks on the entrance to the lagoons had been changed and requested that if anyone observes a septic tank hauler at the lagoons they should be reported immediately to himself, the Mayor or the Police Department. Sewer Treatment Plant Operator James Kibbe advised the committee that it is quite possible that on occasion a septic tank truck has used the lagoons, however, it will not occur again. He also indicated that in accordance with previous action • of the Sewer Committee he does permit the use of the northeast treatment plant to those septic tank haulers who remove sludge from the treatment facility and to spread it on city -owned property. He indicated that in his opinion that policy saved the sewer utility a considerable amount of money. He further indicated that also in his opinion there was a reasonable equal exchange in service. Several members of the audience raised the question as to why the manhole on Woods Road was being used to dump effluent of septic tank haulers. Mr. Kibbe indicated that the only time this occurs is when the condition of the ground does not permit access to the treatment plant. Ald. Salentine moved that the committee re -affirm its previous decision to not permit the use of the northwest plant by commercial haulers of septic tank effluent. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried Ald Dumke indicated that he would be willing to discuss with residents in the area their concern over the use of the Woods Fnacl manhole for the dumping of effluent as well as the use of city-uwll.d property for the spreading of sludge The committee directed James Kibbe to provide them with a report on the amount of sludge which is spread. They also directed him to discuss with Supt. Bertram the possibility of constructing an acceptable access to the treatment facility so that the Woods Road manhole may not be used. • The committee acknowledged receipt of a claim from Mr. George Rice for a refund of a sewer assessment in the amount of $1,390.62. The matter was referred to the Finance Committee. The committee reviewed a communication from -the DNR regarding the impounding of funds for wastewater treatment by the federal government The impoundment to be effective 6 to 12 months The committee discussed with Building Inspector Lee the problems he has experienced with renewal of holding tank bonds when there is a change of ownership. The committee agreed that the Sewer Committee should consider in the near future Mr. Lee's suggestion that a cash bond rather than a surety bond be required when holding tanks are requested. A letter from Mr. Scott Krause requesting the city assume the respon- sibility for a holding tank which would serve his five lots at the end of Groveway Lane was acknowledged and placed on file. Public Sewer Committee April 14, 1980 - Page 2 Building Inspector Lee report that a sewer contractor probably used the Denoon sewer system to drain approximately 40,000 gallons of water from a trench he had dug to install a lateral. The committee agreed to withhold payment of a claim submitted by Jo Jo Construction Co. until the matter has been resolved. Ald. Salentine requested that the committee receive a monthly report of the amount of sewage being -generated in the Denoon Project. Building Inspector Lee requested that the Sewer Committee determine what procedures are available in order that sewer facilities can be used by the owners of property without public access. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to authorize the payment of $100.00.per boot to Mr. Senft. The payment is to cover the cost of the installation of a missing -boot- when -a- latera-l--was -installed. The Committee discussed the procedures which should be followed, if any, regarding the question of changing the boundaries of the Denoon Sewer District. It was the decision of the committee to defer action on this matter in order that it can be considered by the Sewer Committee which will be appointed by the Mayor James Kibbe discussed with the committee the operation of the northwest sewage treatment facility and of his plans to lower the lagoons in order that the aeration tubing can be repaired, Communications were reviewed from the DNR indicating that if the city provides them with certain information partial payments of state grant for Project #7726 and #1089 can be made. A communication from Mr. Kurt Bauer, Executive Director of SEWRPC, to Ald. Dumke regarding the relationship of sewer service area in the City of Muskego to the public hearing of the MMSD was received and placed on file. Mr. James Kibbe reported to the committee that mechanical flow monitoring at selected manholes by the MMSD has begun. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee on the progress on negotiations with Mr. Vesbach. There being no further business Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn, Seconded by Ald Salentine. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted, • Jerome J, Gottfried, Acting Sec`y. JJG/ j e rt 1p t a m m / C.T 'a-zz t GIA� 14cMK,5 Cnc.a�cc�,lxy W /" ,S` / 0CP6-6 hus<ZK&D s G � 4?e s � S 4. -5 L u', /ft/ Y 7(?3 4f- -6��.�ir� l.79ct ov.bG t'OtO