The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also
present were Committee Member Salentine and those persons as per the
attached list.
The committee reviewed correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke regarding
the request of Harold Diekfuss to connect to manhole on Lawndale Place.
The committee agreed to accept their recommendation of an 8" lateral.
A communication from Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District, dated
3/11/80, regarding forthcoming public hearings on the MMSD Facilities
Plan to be held the weeks of 4/13/80 and 5/22/80 was acknowledged
and placed on file.
Mr. Scott Krause appeared at the meeting to speak in behalf of property
owners who were present. He read a prepared statement urging the
6th and 7th Wards be made a part of the sewer district and presented
an example of a petition he plans to circulate regarding this matter.
The committee discussed the present boundaries of the areas in the city
which will eventually be served by municipal sewers as envisioned by
SEWRPC (208 Plan). The committee agreed to discuss with Mayor Gottfried
and SEWRPC the process which should be followed if there is to be a
change in the areas of the city which are to be sewered.
The committee acknowledged a letter from Gerald Lee, dated 3/4/80,
regarding monies retained from Rock Contractors and Super Excavators
regarding sewer installation in the Lake Denoon area.
The committee acknowledged copy of letter directed to Register of
Deeds from Plan Commission Secretary regarding the recording of ease-
ments on Lots 218 and 219, Lake Meadows Add. #1. Same placed on file.
Copy of letter from Mayor Gottfried, dated 3/13/80, directed to Mr.
Ron Badertscher, regarding sewer usage charge on new home, was reviewed.
Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact Mr. Badertscher to invite him
to the next meeting of the committee.
Communication from Gerald Lee, dated 3/5/80, directed to Tudor Oaks
Retirement Center, regarding their illegal hookup of clear water
sump pumps, was reviewed and placed on file,
Ald Salentine moved to recommend to the Common Council authorization
to have the city's consulting engineers advertise for bids for the
North Shore Drive sewer extensions Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion
Report from the Sewer Treatment Operator for February, 1980, was
received and placed on file
The minutes of the previous meeting were amended in the following
manner "The Park and Recreation Department's request that sewer
service charges for their buildings be waived when the buildings
are not in use is denied".
The committee reviewed a survey of the Paul's property which created
Parcel 3. Because of the depth of the sewer they have requested
permission to construct aimanhole on a portion of land dedicated to
the city by them in order that laterals for Lots 2 and 3 could
connect to that manhole. The committee approved the location of
the manhole.
Ald. Salentine moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Wayne Salentine, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee