The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 7:00 P.M. Also
present were Committee Member Wayne Salentine, Mayor Gottfried and
Consulting Engineer William Mielke,
Chairman Dumke turned the meeting over to Mayor Gottfried who explained
that the purpose of the meeting was to provide the Milwaukee Metro-
politan Sewage Commission an opportunity to explain to the committee
and the public the facilities planning process. He indicated that
although this was not a public hearing those present would answer whatever
questions they could. Mayor Gottfried then introduced Ms. Evelyn Petshek,
Chairman of the Metropolitan Commission and Chairman of the Inter -
Governmental Policy Committee, Dr. William Katz, Director of Technical
Services and Mr. Fred Meinholz, Director of the Master Facility Plan
Project. Also present was Mr. Lyman Wible and Mr. Wm McElwee of SEWRPC.
Mr. Fred Meinholz provided those present with the following information
(1) A public hearing will be held in spring, probably April, 1980.
(2) Planning stage is nearing the end.
(3) The recommended alternative will have been determined by the time
the public hearing is held,
(4) The system plan was developed on the basis of how to provide the
• services necessary by using the acceptable facilities which were
(5) The three alternatives were local, sub -regional and regional.
(6) Sub -regional was not given a great deal of consideration.
(7) Under the regional plan Muskego's sewage would be pumped by force
main east to College and Highway 100 and under the local plan it
would be pumped by force main to lands west of the City of Muskego.
Mr. Meinholz distributed a handout sheet indicating what the cost of
sewer service to Muskego would be under the two alternatives.
Following his presentation Mr. Meinholz, with the help of other members
of the Commission, answered questions relative to location of a pumping
station, computation of cost comparisons, method of disposal, turf grass
disposal, the proposed timetable, etc.
A brief recess was called by Chairman Dumke after which the committee
reconvened in the Alderman's Conference Room.
Mr. Thomas Kolster, representing Rock Contractors, appeared with
Building Inspector Lee regarding the $10,000.00 which was retained for
restoration purposes relating to the Denoon Sewer Project, Mr. Kolster
requested that the amount of money retained be reduced substantially
because restoration which is still to be done is relatively insignificant.
• The committee reviewed the complaints registered by the following
residents: Falcone, Mages and Mader. It was their decision that it
was not necessary to replace the culverts along South Denoon Road
and they recommended that $5,000.00 be released to Rock Contractors
immediately. They further indicated that if Rock Contractors will
replace the tab -strand barbed wire on the Mader fence, as well as add
gravel to their driveway and the question of who will be responsible
for the failure to install boots in manhole #9, 24, 32, 33 and 41
can be resolved they would be willing to consider a further reduction
in the amount of money which would be withheld from the total contract.
Ald. Salentine indicated he will contact Mr. Falcone regarding the
Mr. Richard Knudsen appeared to discuss with the committee the progress
being made on his request to provide sewers to the former Stephen's
property by installing a lateral from Lembezeder Drive along the
Hillendale right-of-way. Mayor Gottfried indicated that he had not
received an answer to his inquiries regarding the matter.
• Public Sewer Committee
January 7, 1980
Page 2.
Mayor Gottfried discussed with the committee the problems he is
having in his attempt to negotiate a new lease with Mr, and Mrs.
Vesbach. He recommended that if progress is not made in the near
future procedures be initiated to acquire the property.
The committee reviewed with Building Inspector Lee the items to be
considered when the committee meets with the Town of Norway Sewer
Commission on January 10, 1980.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Wayne Salentine, Sec'y.
Public Sewer Committee