PSEM19790912• PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 11, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8:00 P.M. Also present were Committee Member Salentine, Ald. Weed, Mayor Gottfried and Consulting Engineer John Mielke. Mr. Paul Schroeder, S76 W13770 Cambridge Ct, appeared at the meeting to question his sewer usage charge. He indicated that he was billed as of February 1, 1979 but did not move in until July 9, 1979. Chair- man Dumke explained to Mr. Schroeder that because the city does not know when a sewer actually is used for the first time the sewer usage charge begins the day the plumbing in the house is connected to the municipal sewer system. Mayor Gottfried will contact Mr. Schroeder regarding this matter. Chairman Dumke advised the residents from the Lake Denoon area who were present that the city is aware of the restoration which must be completed in the Denoon area by the two sewer contractors. He indicated that sufficient monies will be held until all reasonable claims have been taken care of. Chairman Dumke also indicated that the city has compiled a list of all complaints received regarding • the restoration and will add to the list as individual's complaints are received. Mr. John Mielke, the city's consulting engineer, discussed with the committee the cost of treatment to the Denoon area by the Town of Norway Sewage Commission. He stated that based on the agreement between the city and the Norway District and estimating the amount of sewage generated per family the cost would be approximately $124.00 per year. Mr. Mielke advised the committee that residents living in the Norway District presently are paying-$168.00 per year plus 3c per $1,000.00 mill tax to the Norway District. The committee was further advised that $124.00 per year is based on estimated costs which are subject to a year end audit by the Norway District's accountant and that he would recommend a review of that audit by - our own accountants. In answer to a question from Ald. Salentine Mr. Mielke indicated that in addition to the $124.00 per year there would be the cost of maintaining the system. The committee noted that under the city's agreement with Norway billing would be quarterly however, the city bills on an annual basis Mr. Harold DeBack spoke in favor of the Denoon area paying the same as residents in other areas of the city. Mr. Ray Christensen indicated similar thoughts to the committee. Mr. Mielke indicated that 30 to 50 homes would have to be connected before the meter will register. Therefore, the first billing by the Town of Norway Sewer District will result from an estimate of the amount of sewage • treated. The committee discussed with several of the residents from N. Shore Drive the difference between using hung plumbing and the grinder pump. It was also agreed that if the property owner can advise Mr Potrykus where his lateral would be a T could be put in the line at the time the sewer main is installed in the easement on the west side of North Shore Drive. The committee discussed the matter of providing sewers for the H. Baa; Obremski, Miech and Godsell properties. The committee agreed to try and determine the best way to serve the above property owners with municipal sewers. Mr. Potrykus indicated he will provide the city with a description of the easement he will be using to install sewers to serve Lake Meadows Add. #I. Mayor Gottfried reported the Town of Norway Sewer Commission's insistance that the Denoon sewers be re-airtested inspite of the fact they met the normal requirements cost the city's utility an additional $3,400.00. 0 • • r 1 U Public Sewer Committee September 17, 1979 Page 2. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that attorneys for the city and Mr. Vesbach are negotiating an extension of the lease for lands on which the northwest treatment plant is located. Correspondence from Virginia Scott, Executive Secretary of the Town of Norway Sanitary District No. 1, directed to the Sewer Committee dated 9/14/79, regarding final inspection of the manholes in the Lake Denoon area was reviewed. Included in that correspondence was a copy of a report from Donohue & Associates, Inc. indicating the rings and frames of several manholes needed to be adjusted and that manhole #31 and #34 required frame elevation adjustments and further that a small ground water leak in manhole #3 should be repaired. The committee noted that the city's sewer inspector will inspect the man- holes to determine whether or not additional work is justified. A communication from Richard P. Roncke, S76 W15116 Roger Drive, dated 9/12/79, directed to Jerry Lee, requesting the city to install sewers on his property was received. Since the letter was authoriz- ation to have the necessary work done it was agreed to recommend to the Common Council that Ruekert & Mielke develop the plans and spec- ifications for the bidding of the project. The report of the sewer treatment plant operator for the month of August, 1979 was received and placed on file. A communication from Norman Schultz, President of the Town of Norway Sanitary District No. 1, directed to Mayor Gottfried, dated 9/10/79 advising that all engineering, operational and administrative requirements between the Town of Norway Sanitary District and the City of Muskego pertaining to the Denoon area sewer extension have been satisfied, was reviewed and placed on file. The committee discussed at length the present boundaries of the Denoon Sewer District. They noted that they had previously authorized the Mayor to negotiate a change in the boundaries with the commissioners of the Norway Sewer District. They also noted that several land- owners in the area have indicated an interested in developing their lands and, in fact, the city has received a preliminary plat of the Haut Brothers property. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that he has discussed the matter with the commissioners from Norway as well as the City Attorney and that it could be some time before the matter will be resolved. Mayor Gottfried recommended to the committee that to help assure orderly development of the Denoon area that they recommend to the Common Council that all requests for extension of sewers to serve more than four lots will be deferred until the question of changing the boundaries of the district has been resolved. Ald. Salentine moved to make the above recommendation. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. Mr. Richard Knudsen appeared at the meeting regarding his request to have the former Stephens property served by municipal sewer. He presented to the committee a copy of a letter from Frank Schultz of the DNR which explained the sewer extension policy of the DNR as it relates to Ch. NR 110.25 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code. A review of the minutes of its last meeting by the committee showed that Mr. Knudsen had requested a letter be sent to the Waukesha County Health Department indicating that municipal sewers will eventually serve the property in question. Mr. Knudsen indicated that Mr. Morris of the Health Department did not feel that was sufficient reason to lift the order against the property. Chairman Dumke and Ald. Salentine explained to Mr. Knudsen the problems with extending the sewers particularly as it relates to costs, etc. They requested Mr. Knudsen to obtain cost estimates of extending the sewer and report back at a future meeting. There being no further business Ald Dumke moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Salentine, Motion carried. The meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, je Jerome Gottfried, Acting Sec'y.