The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dumke at 8:00 P.M. Also
present were Committee Member Salentine, Mayor Gottfried, Ald. Weed
and those persons listed on the attached list.
The committee discussed at length the status of the sewers in the
Lake Denoon area. Included in that discussion was a review of a
communication from Ruekert & Mielke to Rock Contractors and Super
Excavators advising them that unless the project 'was completed the
city would have the work done and charge it against their contract.
It was agreed by the committee that in the event the contractors had
not begun the work by Monday, August 27, 1979, to have the city hire
another contractor. For the benefit of those in the audience inter-
ested in the progress of the restoration Ald. Dumke advised them that
prior to any major payout to either contrac'tor the restoration would
have to be completed. He further indicated that the building in-
spection department would be contacting them to determine if the restor-
ation has been completed.
A lengthy discussion was held with the residents of North Shore Drive
regarding the question of where the sewer which would untimately
• serve their property should be placed. Most of the residents ex-
pressed the concern of being required by state law to connect into
the sewer before it actually is needed. It was further suggested
that if that were the case they might prefer having the sewer
installed in the road rather than along the east line of Lake
Meadows Addition #1. It was the committee's decision to arrange a
meeting with knowledgable offficials in an effort to determine more
clearly their position in the matter. Mr. Jerry Miech of North
Shore Drive indicated his extreme interest in having sewers provided
for his home. The committee noted that the sewer which would serve
the Miech property as well as the Godsell and Baas property would
have to be installed by the city. At the request of Mr Potrykus
the committee directed Mayor Gott -fried to advise Ruekert & Mielke
that they would have no objection to sending construction plans
for sewers to serve the Lake Meadows Add. #1 to Madison for review.
It was noted that in the event the committee determined that the
sewers should be installed within the right-of-way of North Shore
Drive those plans would have to be withdrawn It was the committee's
decision also to contact Ruekert & Mielke to determine the number
of homes along North Shore Drive which would require ejector pumps
in the event the sewers were placed on the east line of Lake Meadows
Add. #1.
At the request of Ald. Salentine the committee will discuss the
question of sewer service charges to the Denoon residents at its
• next meeting.
Ald. Dumke reviewed with the committee the status of the Infiltration
and Inflow Study being conducted by Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage
Commission. The committee was advised by Ald. Weed that completion
will be sometime in 1982.
Attorney Lentz, representing Hartwood Builders, appeared before the
committee with an application for sewer allocation for the previously
approved Freedom Square IV Planned Unit Development. Ald. Dumke
explained to Mr. Lentz that a similar request had previously been
denied by the Sewer Committee because of the moratoriums placed on
the city. A copy of that action is attached to the original minutes.
At the request of Mr. Lentz the committee acknowledged receipt of the
request for sewers by Peter Lentz, Attorney for Hartwood Builders'
• Public Sewer Committee
August 20, 1979
Page 2.
Mr. Richard Knudsen, representing Leona Stephens, appeared .to discuss
the possibility of extending sewers to her property on Hillendale
Drive. Ald. Dumke reviewed for Mr. Knudsen the status of the
sewer extension moratorium placed on the city by the DNR. Several
other alternatives were suggested including a lateral along the
city 's right-of-way to the corner of Lembezeder and Hillendale
Drives, installation of holding tanks and the construction of a
new leach bed. Mr. Knudsen advised the committee that he would like a
letter from the city indicating that sewers for that area are in
the long range plans of the city. The Health Department might
then accept her existing septic system. Mayor Gottfried was
directed to contact Mr. Morris of the Waukesha County Health Dept.
Mr. Art Bostater and Mr. Harold DeBack appeared before the committee
to urge them to pursue the possibility of changing the Denoon sewer
boundaries in order that -their entire properties would be included.
Mayor Gottfried reviewed for the_committee -the capacity of the Denoon
sewage treatment plant as it relates to the City of Muskego. He
indicated that the city was limited to approximately 192,000 gallons
per day which would permit about 550 connections. (imsidering the
• number of residences existing around the Denoon area as well as the
vacant lands which could be divided and previously approved Lake
Meadows Subdivision there would be approximately 181 connections
available. He indicated that at the present time the Plan Commission
has before it a proposed development for the Haut Brothers property
consisting of 98 lots and the DeBack-Bostater properties consisting
of 200 lots. Neither one of these subdivisions has received Plan
Commission or Council approval. Several residents of the area
appeared in support of their request giving as their reasons the
sewer assessment charged, the need for good planning, the .fact that
other utilities are available, -that they could be assured of those
lands -not increasing the -density of user on Lake Denoon and that
the flow of water is to the east and therefore would not have any ill
affects on Lake Denoon. It was the committee's decision to continue
to discuss the matter with Attorney Hippenmeyer.
Mr Gary Stewart appeared before the committee to present his suggestion
that the city construct an auxiliary holding pond which would be used
only in the event bypassing of the sewers was necessary. Considerable
discussion was held regarding this matter. Ald. Dumke advised Mr
Stewart the committee would wait until a report from Ruekert & Mielke
regarding the advisability of such a suggestion had been received
He further indicated that the DNR would also be contacted in regard
to this matter.
• The July, 1979 reports submitted by Treatment. Plant Operator James
Kibbe were reviewed and placed on file.
Correspondence from the Town of Norway Sanitary Dist. No.l,dated
7/17/79, regarding the Bostater-DeBack property was acknowledged.
Correspondence from Ruekert & Mielke, dated 8/7/79, directed to
Town of Norway Sanitary Dist. regarding metering of manhole at Racine
Ave. and S. Denoon Rd. was reviewed.
Letter from DNR, dated 8/13/79, directed to Mayor, regarding bypassing
was reviewed.
Letter from DNR, dated 7/26/79, directed to City Clerk, regarding
treatment problems at the northwest plant was reviewed.
Letter regarding air testing from Ruekert & Mielke, dated 7/24/79,
directed to Mayor Gottfried, was reviewed.
All correspondence placed on file.
Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Jerome J. Gottfried, Acting Sec'y.