PSEM19790618i PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 18, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present was Committee Member Salentine, Ald. Weed, Van Lanen and Pienkos, Mayor Gottfried and persons as per the attached list. Mr Craig Lawandowski, representing residents of the Big Muskego Lake - Bass Bay area spoke in favor of continuation of the present sewer moratorium Discussion took place regarding the status of the present moratorium in both the northwest and northeast districts. It was generally agreed that the individuals present at the meeting were primarily interested in the Northwest Sewer District. Communications from Senator Adelman and Representative Stabaz were presented to the committee by Chairman Dumke. Considerable discussion took place as to the legality of the moratorium. The committee reviewed the opinion rendered by Attorney Buckley on June 7, 1979. There was disagreement amongst those present as to how City At.torney Buckley's letter should be interpreted. The committee also discussed that if a total building moratorium were to be imposed in the Northwest District should there be any exceptions? Ald. Salentine moved to recommend to the Common Council that a total moratorium in the Northwest District be imposed with the following exceptions: (1) 69 lots in the previously a p p r o v e d Marlan Meadows Subdivision and 31 lots in the Guernsey Meadows Add. I{1 Subdivision. (2) Lots which have been sold in the city's industrial park. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. Mr. Stanley Potrykus, developer of Lake Meadows, appeared at the meeting to present his plans for sewering the 13 lots involved in Lake Meadows Addition #1. He indicated that his subdivision could be served through sewers presently being constructed in Lake Meadows Subdivision and that the residents on the east side of North Shore Drive could then pump their sewage into those lines. A brief communication from Frank Ruekert indicated that they would prefer to have sewer installed along the North Shore right-of-way. However, the committee noted that because of the depth required of that sewer it would be more costly. The committee agreed to permit Lake Meadows Addition #1 to connect into the Lake Denoon sewer system either by installation of sewers along North Shore Drive or by sewers constructed within Lake Meadows Addition Yf'-1 depending upon cost estimates which will be prepared by the city's engineers. Mr Doug Erno, a resident of North Shore Drive, appeared before the committee to urge that sewers be made available Mr. Erno was assured by the committee that sewer service would be available once it is de- termined where they should be constructed. ne committee reviewed a communication from Building Inspector Lee ndicating that a request had been received from Rock Contractors and Super Excavators to install a 2z" asphalt mat on the roads in the Denoon area where sewers had been installed rather than the reauired 3" mat Mr. Lee indicated that it is the contractor's position that the construction delay caused by the city resulted in a substantial increase in the cost of asphalt It is recommended that if a 3" mat were required an additional amount of $5,400.00 would have to be paid by the district. A couJ unication indicated that Frank Ruekert, Jr. has recommended that the request be granted. The committee agreed to the change and specifications subject to a review by Supt. Bertram. It was further determined that South Denoon Road should not be restored until the water problem on the south side of the road across from Amann's Acres is resolved unless the City Attorney feels that resolution of the problem would take a longer than normal period of time. With reference to the Public Sewer Committee meeting held 5/21/79 during which the committee granted the Robert Marcheschi residence in Hillendale Heights Subdivision permission to connect into the city's sewer system through an easement. Ald_ Dumke moved that the Marcheschis' be charged a $500.00 hookup fee. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried. • Public Sewer Committee City of Muskego June 18, 1979 Page 2. Ald Weed advised the committee that he had been contacted by one of his constituents who owned a mobile home for permission to dump the waste from that mobile home into a city manhole. Following considerable discussion it was the decision of the committee to deny the request. The committee reviewed correspondence from Layne -Northwest Company which estimated what it would cost to provide laboratory services for testing water samples taken at the city's treatment facilities. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that the DNR is requiring tests which cannot be performed with the equipment we presently have. He indicated that because of the cost of the equipment and the additional manpower which probably would be needed John Mielke has recommended that outside testing laboratories be utilized. Alderman Salentine moved to recommend to the Common Council that Layne -Northwest Company, Inc. be hired to perform those tests on the city's sewerage systems which cannot be performed by use of our present facilities. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. • Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P M. • WS/je Respectfully submitted, Ald. Wayne Salentine, Sec'y. Public Sewer Committee O tZOKLI�