PSEM197905219 PUBLIC SEWER COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 21, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 7 30 P.M. by Chairman Dumke. Also present were Committee Member Salentine, Mayor Gottfried and Ald. Tomczyk. Chairman Dumke appointed AU. Tomczyk as acting secretary Mr and Mrs. Marcheschi, S76 W20287 Hillendale Dries, appeared before the committee to discuss their request to connect into the city's sewer system. Mayor Gottfried explained that the_ Marcheschi's live in Hillendale Heights which is presently served with municipal sewers However, their's is the only home that faces Hillendale, and therefore they are not served by public sewer. He indicated that the Marcheschi's have acquired an easement through their neighbor's property which would give them access to the sewer on Sunnyhill Drive. Considerable discussion followed during which Chairman Dumke indicated that he would be in favor of the connection because of the hardship and health hazard being experienced by the Marcheschi family. Ald. Salentine indicated that he was concerned this would establish a precedent in the event a building moratorium in sewered areas were established by the council. Ald. Tomczyk advised the committee members that he had personally viewed the area and felt it was essential that the Marcheschi's be permitted to connect into the city's sewer system. Ald. Dumke moved to grant the request. Seconded by Ald. Salentine Motion carried. Mr. Marcheschi was advised of the procedures he must follow prior to receiving a plumbing permit. Ald. Salentine moved to have Mayor Gottfried obtain a legal opinion from City Attorney Buckley on the question of wehther or not there could be a moratorium placed on the issuance of building permits in the northwest sewer district even though a sewer assessment had been paid, until the results of the infiltration inflow study has been completed by Metropolitan Sewer Commission. Seconded by Ald. Dumke. Motion carried. The committee reviewed a communication from Sewer Inspector Bud Hintz relative to the failure of Rock Construction to com- plete restoration of properties within the Lake Denoon sewer area, as well as a failure to correct deficiencies in manholes which have been creating infiltration problems. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact Ruekert & Mielke regarding the problems. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. Ald. Dumke reported that he received a complaint from Mr. Aschenbrenner involving the problem of his neighbor connecting to his sewer lateral. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that Building Inspector Lee is aware of the situation and has notified the violators of their responsibilities. The committee agreed to view the problem when the Public Works Committee takes its annual tour on June 7th Mr. Ellery advised the committee that he received a call from Sen. Adelman's office requesting the presence of Mayor Gottfried and members of the Public Sewer Committee at a meeting which will be held with Governor Dreyfuss and DNR Secretary Tony Earl to discuss problems of Big Muskego Lake. The committee reviewed a communication from the DNR acknowledging receipt of Resolution #76-79 concerning the committment of the City of Muskego to a wet weather correction program. They found the resolution satisfactory under terms of the stipulation. The committee reviewed a communication from Atty. Richard Hunter who has been authorized by Mr. Walter Vesbach to negotiate the continuing use of the Vesbach property for sewage treatment purposes by the city. Mayor Gottfried indicated he would begin developing plans for the negotiations in the near future. Public Sewer Committee • May 21, 1979 Page Two The committee acknowledged receipt from the Sewer Utility Clerk regarding monies owed the city by Tudor Oaks for sewer usage charges. The communication indicated that there had been several errors in billing and that Tudor Oaks had now been notified of the monies due the city. A report from Treatment Plant Operator James Kibbe was received and placed on file. A discussion was held relative to the fact that a large number of people living in Bay Lawn and Freedom Acres have not connected into the city's sewer system. The committee noted the deadline had been October 31, 1978. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to contact those persons who have not connected into the city's sewer system and advise them that if they have not done so by July 31, 1979 the city would do the necessary work and bill them accordingly. The committee reviewed a communication from the Sewer Utility Clerk indicating that St. Leonard's Church was presently being charged for sewer usage for the convent, rectory and church on • the tax bill, and that they are also being charged as a school on a per -student basis and billed quarterly. She questioned whether or not she should charge St. Leonard's for use as a church as well as a school since both are in the same building. It was the committee's decision that the convent and rectory should be billed separately as they presently are and that the school and church be billed quarterly as though it were a school only. There being no further business, Ald. Dumke moved to adjourn. at 9:45 P.M. Seconded by Ald. Salentine. Motion carried. jm • Respectfully submitted, Ald. Ralph Tomczyk, Acting Secy.